Monday's Strength: Psalms 14
Sunday, September 27, 2020
Monday's Strength: Psalms 14. Scrappy Love. Book Date.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Psalm 13. Wednesday's Wrap Up. I Like Thursdays.
Wednesday's Word: Psalm 13
Monday, September 21, 2020
Monday's Strength. Scrappy Love. Pressing On. Book Date.
Monday's Strength:
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
Monday's & Tuesday's Strength: When Our World Collapses. Book Date. Pressing On.
When I was but a young girl, I asked Grandpa about married life. I was curious because I knew Daddy had been born during The Great Depression. I wanted to know how Grandpa had managed as not only was he supporting Grandma with a baby on the way (Daddy); he was helping to support his mother and siblings.
Sunday, September 13, 2020
Saturday’s Song: Priceless. Another Prayer Shawl! Stash Report and a Question.
Saturday’s Song: Priceless by For King and Country
That’s who we are in God’s eyes.
Thursday, September 10, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Song of Songs 3:2a. Wednesday's Wrap Up Or Not. I Like Thursdays.

This made me think: What if all we had to communicate with our loved one were verses from the Bible?
Monday, September 7, 2020
Monday's Strength: Song of Songs 3:2. Machine Embroidery and Scrappy News! Book Date Reads! To Do Tuesday.
Monday's Strength: Song of Songs 3:2
Continued study of some of the verses shared in Lynn Austin's Until We Reach Home.
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Saturday's Song: The Cross Has The Final Word. Slow Stitching: An Ornament & A Tea Towel. Stash Report.
Saturday’s Song: The Cross Has The Final Word
That is why Jesus died on the cross - for our freedom!
Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Song of Songs 8:7. Wednesday's Wrap Up. I Like Books & The Real Mia!

Monday, August 31, 2020
Monday's Strength: Song of Songs 1:15. A New Scrappy Project Takes Off! Book Date Reads! To Do Tuesday.

Sunday, August 30, 2020
Saturday's Song: Giants Fall. Slow Stitching: The Set is Finished! Stash Report.
Remember the story about David facing the giant, Goliath? He killed him with a step in faith and a stone. Are we facing giants today? We sure are! Fires. Floods. Pandemics. Illnesses. Strife. The list goes on and on.

Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Wednesday’s Word: Psalm 66:2. Wednesday's Wrap Up: Pen Holder. I Like!
Word: Psalm 66:2
I loved this part of Lynn Austin’s Until We Reach Home! On the entire journey thus far, Ludwig constantly encourages Sofia with Bible verses. This time, however, he is discouraged beyond words and, though she tries, no verse she shows him breaks his despondency. But then, she remembers her precious Mama. Thank God for spiritual Mamas!
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Saturday's Song: You Got This. Slow Stitching: Tea Towel. Stash Report.
Saturday’s Song: You Got This by Love and The Outcome
Let us share this message: The LORD is capable, He has us in the palm of His hand! He's got us!
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Romans 8:28. Wednesday's Wrap Up. I Like!
Wednesday’s Word: Romans 8:28

Tuesday, August 18, 2020
Monday's Strength: John 14:1-4. Machine Embroidery: You're as Sweet as Can Bee! Book Date Reads!
Monday’s Strength: Psalm 27 and Isaiah 40
Lynn Austin continued with her them of finding a home in Until We Reach Home. This verse has always brought me comfort in times of trouble.Sunday, August 16, 2020
Saturday’s Song: Known. Slow Stitching: Pressing Matters . Stash Report.
Saturday’s Song: Known

Since April 1: 76.685
Fabric Out
This week: 9.33 yards
Since April 1: 114.46 yards
Difference: + 37.775
I've finished a few dish cloths, but am waiting until it's enough to make note of.
This week: 0 ounces
Since April 1: 56.80 ounces
Yarn out
This week: 0 ounces
Since April 1: 87.50 ounces
Difference: +30.70
Slow Stitching Sunday @ Kathy's Quilts
Sunday Scripture Blessings @ Peabea's Scribble Pad
Sunday Stash@ Quilt, Paint, Create
Your comments are so appreciated! I try to respond to each one via email!

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Wednesday's Word. Wednesday's Wrap Up. I Like Photos and Instagram!
Monday, August 10, 2020
Monday's Strength. Machine Embroidery: Let's Get Ready to Rumble! Book Date Reads!
Psalm 27:14 and Isaiah 40: 27 and 30 are the next verses presented in Until We Reach Home by Lynn Austin.
Test results?
Sunday, August 9, 2020
Saturday’s Song: Wake Up Dancin’. Slow Stitching: Finished 30's Table Topper . Stash Report.
Saturday’s Song: Wake Up Dancin’
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Psalm 22. Wednesday Wrap Ups: 1930's Baby Quilt/Table Topper! I Like Vintage Quilts
Let’s continue with the verses from Until We Reach Home by Lynn Austin. As her sisters are hospitalized on Ellis Island, Sofia finds herself all alone waiting for them to recover. Her friend, Ludwig, shares yet more Scriptures with her.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Monday's Strength: Psalm 107, part 3. A Scrappy Finish. Book Date. Pressing On.
Strength: Psalm 107:31-32
As I shared on before, I was so inspired blessed by the Scripture shared on PeaBeas’ Photos and Scribbles so much so that I’m writing a series on them. Next up are verses 31 - 32.
even in the face of rejection,
even in the face of fear,
even in the face of mistrust,
even in the face of anger.
His love is there, waiting to guide us to safe harbors.
Many times, after we have seen His wisdom, we praise Him for His unfailing love and we see His wonderful deeds for mankind.
Let us learn to exalt Him in the assembly of the people and praise Him in the council of the elders before we see proof of His mighty deeds, unfailing love and faithful guidance.
Brown Baby Quilt
When I
first started the Qube Crush QAL, I thought I would make a baby quilt/table
topper for each square. It was too
ambitious of a goal for me, so I started making all four weekly squares at the
end of the month. My goal is to make a
finished quilt by the end of the QAL.
But, here is the first quilt I made with Block One of the Qube Crush. This is definitely not one of my favorite finishes.
I used some scraps I had on hand, but ran out of my original fabrics, so I pulled
the lime green. I'm thinking of adding some yo-yos to the center in that same green......we'll see if I can fix it up...
Book Date
It has been a fabulous sewing week, but lacking in reading time. How do you make time for reading and sewing?
I'm enjoying the The Library Book, but very curious how the author is going to tie everything up with the investigation. So far, there is a lot of information about libraries, their workings and historical information. Ms. Orlean offers her reflections on many topics, which I am finding quite interesting and enjoyable.
Currently Reading
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free ebook from RB Digital |

Pressing On
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14
Las week’s goals
1. Visit Mama and Daddy ✔
2. Machine Embroidery: Finish up the last of the Xmas Decos (gifts)
3. Continue my Thursday tea towel/secret sewing ✔
4. Finish flimsy for the Fall Table Topper X I had a few squirrels in my sewing room! This should be finished this week.
5. Finish binding a new quilt. ✔
This Week's Goals
1. Visit Mama and Daddy
2. Machine Embroidery: Dish Towels
3. Continue my Friday tea towel/secret sewing
4. Finish flimsy for the Fall Table Topper
5. Get at least halfway finished binding my $7.50 30's quilt.
I’d love to hear what your crafty goals for the week are!
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? @ Book Date
Monday Making @ Love, Laugh, Quilt
Oh Scrap! @ Quilting is More Fun Than Housework!
To Do Tuesday @ Home Sewn By Us (Tuesdays)
Your comments are so appreciated!
I read each one and will respond by email to you! :)

Sunday, August 2, 2020
Saturday's Song: Everything He Forgot. Slow Stitching: 30's Table Topper. Stash Report
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Wednesday's Word: Psalm 107, Part 2. Wednesday Wrap Up. I Like New Recipes!

Monday, July 27, 2020
Monday's Strength: Psalm 107, Part 1. Fall Fun with New Projects! Book Date.
My spirit was deeply touched when I read
these beautiful Scriptures at PeaBeas’
Photos and Scribbles. I’ve decided
to do a series on them.
Sunday, July 26, 2020
Saturday's Song: Magnify. Slow Stitching: Dish Towels. Stash Report
I was extremely excited to find this wonderful song with bilingual lyrics! This verse is so true:
How much time do we - myself included - waste time looking at the problem instead of the Problem Solver?
Monday, July 20, 2020
Monday's Strength: Psalm 143:8. Machine Embroidery: Xmas! Book Date.

Sunday, July 19, 2020
Saturday's Song: I'm Gonna See A Victory. Slow Stitching. Stash Report.

Thursday, July 16, 2020
Oops. A Day Late...Wednesday's Word. Wednesday Wrap Up. Thursday Likes!
Perhaps some of us feel the same way as we quarantine. It’s conceivable that many of us are feeling abandoned by God.
It’s ok to feel that way: What’s important is what we do with those feelings.
Monday, July 13, 2020
Monday's Strength. My Bella Box. Book Date. Pressing On.
This week’s post will be a bit different. Mary from Hill Country Quilter I had a question about the Box of Hope I mentioned in last week’s post, so here’s a mini tutorial on how to make one along with my verse of the week.
Sunday, July 12, 2020
Saturday's Song - God's Not Done With You. Slow Stitching. Stash Report.
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
Wednesday's Word. Wednesday's Wrap Ups. I Like....
He was even forgiving toward his son, despite his murderous intentions (2 Samuel 18:5)! Not many can claim that type of grace – I know that I certainly can’t – God help me.
Monday, July 6, 2020
Sunday, July 5, 2020
Saturday's Song: Burn the Ships. Slow Stitching: Hexagon Afghan & Christmas Surprises. Stash Report.
“Burn the Ships” by For King and Country touches my heart and aroused my curiosity as to the origin on the title. The story behind the song is here and is an encouragement to those who long to release the shame and guilt of their addictions. Though “addictions” may lead one to think of drugs and alcohol, let us remember we all have addictions of one kind or another.
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
Wednesday's Word. Pressing On. Wednesday's Wrap Ups. I Like....My Daughter, Bags and Pouches!

Monday, June 8, 2020
Monday's Strength. A Learning Thing. Book Date.
Perseverance: continued effort to do or achieve something despite difficulties, failure, or opposition Merriam Webster
Sunday, June 7, 2020
Saturday's Song. Slow Stitching. Stash Report.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Monday's Strength. 30's $7.50 Quilt. Book Date.
I first heard about "But God" verses in a sermon by Pastor Dale. He said to pay attention when we read/hear "But God". Then, last week, I found Shannon's amazing Scripture writing plan. Talk about a God wink!
Here's part of today's verses:
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Saturday's Song. Slow Stitching. Sunday Stash Report.
Saturday's Song
Does it feel like your're facing another heartbreak day?
Keep moving on my Dear Reader.
Let me be honest.
This. Quaratnine. Is. Tough.
I'm struggling just like you are.
I have days that I all I can do is sleep.
I bet you have, too.
I have days that I cry.
I bet you have, too.
I have lonely days.
I bet you have, too.
I have days that I am close to losing hope.
I bet you have, too.
My family has experienced great loss alone during this time.
I bet some of you have as well.
But God is faithful. He is here. He is trying to grow a new thing, a new me, a new you, a new world.
The LORD is working through my church's sermons to keep me moving. Today's sermon made a few good points. Here is one of my takeaways.
Whose voice will I listen to? Will I be like the person Pastor talked about who read the newspaper with the Bible next to them? They didn't let the newspaper tell them what was going to happen, instead they read what God had to say about the future. But God says....
Will I view circumstances through the lens of hope/hoplessness?
His sermon as well as his sermon notes are a huge part of my victorious journey via these times.
Let's reach out and share what is getting us through this journey. Let's move toward victory and growth together.
Let's move toward our LORD Jesus Christ.
This week I will be sharing how God gave me one amazing tool that led to another amazing tool. Let's listen to Him and move with Him! Amen?
Slow Stitching
This week's slow stitching has been a mix of crochet and embroidery.
The yarn is Mini Moochi by Crystal Palace Yarns and is color 105. I don't know the name, but I'll call it beautiful! It also has a special memory - my husband and I went on a special "buy what you want" visit to a yarn boutique. And, boy, did I ever indulge!
Sunday Scripture Blessings @ Peabea's Scribble Pad
A Spirit of Simplicity
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Hope.I Like.
This is the geranium that my son-in-law got me for Mother's Day several years ago. I've taken good care of it, but despite my efforts, this last winter, it looked like I had lost it to a freeze. I kept it in the shade by the pond and watered it faithfully even though it just looked like a pot of dirt. And look what happened!"
With just a bit of hope, TLC and perseverance, we can be amazed by God's works!
I Like
LeeAnna over at Not Afraid of Color hosts an "I Like" link up party. This week I'm happy to join in the fun.
I like being surprised....I thought this plant and its friends were weeds. After a bit of patience, I realized that they are ready to bloom! A friend thinks they may be lilies....we'll see!
I like finding misplaced completed projects! This one was in my "to frame" basket that I forgot I even created! The embroidery design is by Mollie Johanson at Wild Olive. She reblogged about this pattern as it is so appropriate for these times that we are living in.
Her post is amazingly calming and healing.
Linking up to
Lea Ann's "I Like" Thursdays
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Wednesday's Word. Wednesday Wrap Ups. Pressing On.
God gave me three points to write about:
1) Let go of the guilt. You did not cause the situation, you cannot control the person and you can't cure them. You can only take care of yourself.
2) Rebuke those who judge and make insensitive remarks about your loved one. I saw this on @tobymacspeaklife Instagram account:
It gave me a new perspective not only on the words spoken to me, but more importantly on the words I chose to speak.
3) Look for the blessings your loved ones have brought into your life! Not only look for them, but make a list of these blessings and share it with them and others!
4) Remember Romans 8:28:
Wednesday Wrap Ups
My finish this week is an gift for a dear friend's daughter who is an arts major, a theater arts major I believe. I knew she would love something colorful and eclectic - and something that breaks all the rules.
With the closure of craft stores, I used what I had on hand an prayed for the best. I also stitched as I went along. No one panel is exactly the same! But somehow, it all came together, just barely covering a queen sized bed.
This beauty is called "A Beautiful Hot Mess". I love how it turned out almost as much as I love the recipient! Enjoy, my dear one!
Pressing On
1. Visit with Daddy and Mama via FaceTime. ✔
2. Garden ✔
3. Make more face masks ✔
4. Sew for fun. ✔
This Week's Goals
1. Visit with Daddy and Mama via FaceTime.
2. Garden
3. Finish compensating strips for my 30's $7.50 quilt. Yup, it needs some help.
4. Read - I want to read again! Yea!
Take care my dear Reader, take good care!
Check out these fun parties!