Sunday, November 27, 2022

Weekly Word: Thankfulness + Books, Stitches and Gratitude!

 Hello There, 

It's been a wild week as we came home from San Diego, babysat for a few days and went right into Thanksgiving!  In the midst of all of our activity, thankfulness has been on my mind.  

I would be remiss if I didn't add you, my faithful readers and friends, to my gratitude list.  Your comments, support, friendship and prayers are a blessing to my life!  On that note, a big shout out to Quilter Kathy at Kathy's Quilts for showing me how to fix my spellcheck issue with blogger!  You can find the solution here, in my comments section.  

Well, please relax with your favorite beverage and enjoy reading this weekly post!  Pssst....if you're feeling under the weather I've added a link to Starbucks recipe for their famous Medicine Ball tea in my Gratitude Journal section!  

Here's is an index should you have a special interest you like to read first!  
The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series.  
My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review.      
Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, Slow Sunday Stitching projects, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects. 
Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking.  This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings!    

The Weekly Word

Philippians 4:4-7 is another life changing verse for me.  Naturally, going to God in prayer, with thanksgiving is my focus today.  It's so easy for me to get lost in rumination!  I'm learning to recognize when it begins and quickly convert my thinking to finding something to be grateful regarding the angst-causing situation, and then pray.  
Oh, boy!  It's so difficult, but worth the effort!
How I love the fall, but especially our  Thanksgiving holiday.  I love how gratitude fills my heart...I do believe Thanksgiving will be my word for this year.  

My Reading Life

Currently Reading

**** A Curious Beginning (Veronica Speedwell #1 by Deanna Raybourn was a cute historical cozy mystery that I enjoyed as an audio book.  This was a Buddy Read that my Buddy chose.  That's what I enjoy so much about Buddy Reads:  I end up reading books that I wouldn't ordinarily read and usually enjoy.   

Stash Report

Fabric numbers are stable, and my yarn numbers increased by 7 ounces as I purchased some more green yarn for the Fall Granny square afghan.  

To Do Tuesday

Last Week's List
1.  Slow Stitching   
a.   Finish block two of the Bee Humble Sew Along. Not done, but progress made!  I am almost finished adding the details to the leaves. 
 I've even made progress on the Christmas tea towels!
On the subject of Slow Stitching, for years I've been pondering how to make a hand embroidery sampler book.  Which process does one use to make such a book?  Which stitches do I include?  What is the process? 
There are some tutorials on the internet, but this is what I have in mind.  I found the perfect project on Etsy, but have been unable to find it again.  After previewing this library book, I may go ahead and purchase it.  (Do you also preview library books to decide whether or not to purchase them?)
I wonder if any of you fellow stitchers have made an Embroidery Sampler Book.  Please share your wisdom and experience in the comments if you like!
Perhaps 2023 will be the year I start.  
2. Machine Sewing:  
a.  Stitch up this month's blocks for the $15 Sampler Quilt from Bee Sew Creative.  Done!  This month's blocks were paper-pieced and I really struggled with them.  They came out a bit wavy, but I'm calling them done.  
b.  Continue joining the Pieces in the Garden rows. Not done.
c.  Prep Row 11 of the Pieces in the Garden QAL. Done and a few are stitched up and joined!  The scissors in the photo are the ones Mama used at work.  

This Week's List
1.  Slow Stitching   
a.   Make progress block two of the Bee Humble Sew Along. I'd like to finish the leaves and the detail on the sunflowers.  
2. Machine Sewing:  
a.  Continue joining the Pieces in the Garden rows. 
c.  Stitch and join Row 11 squares of the Pieces in the Garden QAL. 
On The Radar...
- Stitch up a baby quilt that I've prepped.
- Finish up my daughter's crocheted dishcloths.
- Prep kits for January 2023

Gratitude Journal

Do you remember this praise and worship song?  So appropriate for this season!

We discovered Starbuck's Medicine Ball Tea/Honey Citrus Tea
helps to alleviate our cold symptoms.
I started coming down with a cold, found this copy cat recipe
and after having several cups, 
started feeling much better!
The Tevana brand of tea is challenging to find in our area, 
so I simply use whichever peach and mint tea is available. 

My heart is filled with thanksgiving this week. 
I have a great family life - and even with the bumps in the road - 
there is much for which to be grateful.
My friends, both in person and online, 
are an immense blessing
as they teach me so much, they are silly with me,
and we can, with confidence, share our hearts with each other.
The LORD is growing and stretching me
working through 
trials to build faith,
conflict to build stronger relationships,
friends to increase my understanding of Him.
I pray as we enter the Christmas season,
we can keep our focus on Jesus Christ and
make time to enjoy the season!
Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas and
Hugs to all!

Enjoyed this post? 
Never miss out on future posts by following this blog!

Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

Here are some blogs I sometimes link up to!
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication (Wednesdays)
I Like @ Not Afraid of Color (Thursday)

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Weekly Word: Bitter or Better? + Books, Stitches and Gratitude!

 Hello There, 

We just got home from a wonderful visit to San Diego!  We stayed with my sister and brother-in-law.  Days were spent with Mama and Daddy, who are doing well, memory issues of course, but they have the same joy for life as always.  Sometimes we laughed so hard my tummy hurt!  We spent evenings with my sister and her husband.  Their home overlooks the San Diego Bay and beautiful downtown.  Though it was excruciating to walk away from my parents, my heart is filled with joy at their overall improved health since relocating there.  It was such a lovely visit. 

I’ve been a bit frustrated with Blogger as their spellcheck seems to have disappeared.  I’m now writing my posts on Word and copying them onto Blogger.  How do you all deal with this issue?

We got home just in in time to babysit our grandkids for a few days and then to enjoy the whirlwind of Thanksgiving preparations!  I’m looking forward to inviting my granddaughter to help me! 

Please enjoy your tea, wine, coffee or whatever is your pleasure as you read this week post!

Here's is an index should you have a special interest you like to read first!  

The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series.  
My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review.      
Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects. 
Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking.  This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings!    

The Weekly Word

Lately, I've been pondering the question: Will I become bitter or better throughout this challenge?
Many years ago, I heard this question during a sermon from a pastor who had lost a child.  As he spoke, he certainly had my attention.  Years ago, I would have chosen bitterness over becoming better every day of the week.  After this sermon, I pondered my decision.  
Did I want to become like others I knew who chose bitterness?  
Do you?
I began to search the Scriptures and this one really changed my life:
When Paul writes the word, "but", I pay attention.  Here he states, "But one thing I do," so I paid close attention.  He said he forgets what is behind and strains towards what is ahead.  At the time, I didn't understand the rest of the verse, only that I had a choice to forget my past and literally strain towards what God has for me in my future.  
What freedom I began to experience as I put my energy toward straining towards God's plan for me, a plan to give me a hope and a future, rather than bitterly wallowing in my past or trials.
It was a process.  I needed time to change and grow.  God was patient with me.  
Now, most of the time, I chose to become better, straining toward my future with Him.  It's so liberating!  
Would you join me on this journey of moving forward better rather than bitter? 

My Reading Life

During our visit to San Diego, we visited a locally and Latina owned bookstore in Barrio Logan, Libélula, which means “dragonfly”.  We spent about an hour and half there and I purchased these books.  I look forward to visiting Libélula again and again and again....

I purchased the books below for my grandchildren.  
Our visit to Chicano Park, 
the site of the largest collection of outdoor murals 
in the United States, 
was interesting touched my heart.  

Currently Reading

I'll probably be restarting Chasing Fireflies as I've been away from it for too long and have forgotten much of the plot!  

*** The Woman in the Library by Sulari Gentill was a confusing read as reality and fantasy seemed to merge.  The last sentence brought it all together for me – I think!  What saved the day for this read was the fabulous narrator, Katherine Littrell. 

*****Bibliophile Diverse Spines by Jamise Harper & Jane Mount was one of the books I picked up at Libélula.  It is a definite 5 star read and perfect for those of us who are wanting to read more diversely.  I’ve read a few of the books mentioned and look forward to reading more of them.  I learned so much by simply reading this one book!  Highly recommend!

Stash Report

Fabric & Yarny Numbers - as we have been traveling, there have been no changes in yarn/fabric numbers!  Lots of progress on hand work though!  

To Do Tuesday

Last Week's List  is pretty much the same as last week's list.   

1.  Slow Stitching   
a.  Make progress on the 2/4 tea towels! NOT DONE!
b.  Finish prepping block two of the Bee Humble Sew Along. DONE!  I also managed to get some stitching done on it!  
2. Machine Sewing:  
a.  Stitch up this month's blocks for the $15 Sampler Quilt from Bee Sew Creative. I'm a bit nervous about these as it's been a while since I've done paper piecing!  NOT DONE as I was in San Diego. Here are what the blocks should look like. 
3.  Crochet:   
a.  Continue working on my Fall Granny Square Afghan.  DONE!  One more 16 patch block was connected and another is close to being done!

This Week's List
1.  Slow Stitching   
a.   Finish block two of the Bee Humble Sew Along
2. Machine Sewing:  
a.  Stitch up this month's blocks for the $15 Sampler Quilt from Bee Sew Creative.  
b.  Continue joining the Pieces in the Garden rows. 
c.  Prep Row 11 of the Pieces in the Garden QAL.
On The Radar...
- Stitch up a baby quilt that I've prepped.
- Finish up my daughter's crocheted dishcloths.
- Prep kits for January 2023

Gratitude Journal

If I'm not mistaken, this week we are sharing songs about Fall that we enjoy at our I Like link up at LeeAnne's Not Afraid of Color link up!  I hope you'll join us there!
As a nod to my memories of learning to dance by standing on Daddy's toes as "we" danced, here's Autumn Leaves by Nat King Cole.  
Here's a play list you may enjoy 
during your celebration!
We enjoyed a visit to Chicano Park.  The history there is amazing, as was our conversation with one of the residents. 
We also thoroughly enjoyed visiting a few museums in Balboa Park which I'll be sharing on my blog.  
 I hope your month is filled with a deep awareness of all we have to be thankful for!
Enjoyed this post? 
Never miss out on future posts by following this blog!

Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

Here are some blogs I sometimes link up to!
Sew and Tell @ Melva Loves Scraps (Mondays) a new link up for me
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication (Wednesdays)
I Like @ Not Afraid of Color (Thursday)