Philippians 3:21

Remember verse 20? And now, verse 21 tells us exactly what Jesus can do:
1) bring everything under His control,
2) transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like His!
Jesus has the power to bring everything under His control!
Our lowly bodies that are racked with the above and more will become like His - strong, pure and clean.
You will become strong, pure and clean!
Amen and amen!
Father, my mind and body have been filled with so many awful things, but I have seen and experienced so many beautiful things!
Like many others, I have experienced terrible things as well - some of my own volition, some forced upon me. I can hardly wait until the day that I - and everyone else - are transformed to be like You! Thank you! Amen!
Don't Stop!!!!!
Just now, as I'm sitting in my bedroom writing this post, I needed something from the living room. I kept messing around until I realized that I was wasting time: I just needed to get up, get what I needed and keep writing! Simple.
I may not water the plants in my prayer garden simply because the gate is locked and I'm so tired of unlocking the combination lock. With my hands, it can be painful.
I don't know why I let these
stop me in my tracks. -
Remember my Pretzel Quilt?
There was some seam ripping.
But I was ok with it -
until I saw this!
Now, I am a casual quilter.
I believe this:
But these misaligned seams
were too much - even for me.
stared at them,
and picked up my seam ripper
and let her rip!
I didn't spend time bemoaning the situation.
I broke through what could have been a road block!
I was so proud of myself!
There are definitely times
when I should walk away
from a project.
But, I'm going to stop
putting them away.
There's a difference.
I want to break through my road blocks and finish 'er up!
What do you think?
I've been working so hard on Patrick's Strength, that other projects have gone by the wayside. It's ok. I keep reminding myself that I'm simply setting goals. The world won't stop spinning if I push things back - especially for this special project!
So, onward and upward!
Last Week's List:
1) Keep up with Quilty 365 DONE!
This Week's List:
1) Keep up with Quilty 365
2) Finish the last $7.50 Drunkard's Path block.
3) Finish Marly's summer blankets.
2) Finish the last $7.50 Drunkard's Path block.
3) Finish Marly's summer blankets.
4) Covered in Love Blocks (at least 6)
5) Continue working on Patrick's Strength.
5) Continue working on Patrick's Strength.
I'm linking up to