
"amply supplied"...The gift from the Philippians left Paul amply supplied.
I remember the first time my husband tithed. Money was tight - very tight. Pastor preached a sermon on tithing and it touched my husband's heart. He dropped God's tithe into the offering plate and passed it onto me.
All I saw was diaper and grocery money in that plate. How I wanted to pull it out!
But, thank God I didn't.
Ever since then, my husband has faithfully tithed and we have been "amply supplied".
If every person in church tithed, the church would also be "amply supplied" and could indeed address some of the social needs in our communities!
But, alas, such is not the situation.
When we first started tithing, addmittedly, I was freaking out! How would I feed my family? buy diapers? put gas in the car?
But, God was faithful and met our needs every month.
And now? Thirty-one years later, we are still blessed beyond measure, "amply supplied" and still tithe.
To God be the glory.
Abba, I bet You remember how freaked out I was when my husband dropped that $100 bill in the offering plate on them morning he decided to begin tithing! Yet, You have remained faithful to us all these years.
I pray, Abba, that others will also tithe, even if they start small and then increase their tithe. I pray that they will know the blessing of Your care!
I pray our missionaries and churches will be "amply supplied" that Your work will be carried out!
Thank You, Abba, for taking care of us all these years. You are so faithful and good to us!
To Do Tuesday
Last week's list
I'm pretty disappointed with my piecing. I used the strip method, but I'm sure my cutting was off. I'm going to try again using Laura Nownes' instructions in her 2013 BOM Crafty class.
I've also ordered the Accuquilt diamond die (#55040) and will try stitching this quilt using the Y-seam method. I saw Dione Gardner-Stephen's tutorial at The Clever Chameleon.
I'm determined to master this quilt! I guess 2018 is my year of mastering the Tumbling Block quilt! As always, I'm open to helpful suggestions! :)
2) Finish the first 10 squares of Maria's Blue Crayon Spring Granny Afghan Crochet Along! Not quite finished, so it will be on this week's list.
3) Pray my prayer and memorize Proverbs 19:23. Done!
This week's list
1) Press fabric for another Tumbling Blocks prototype.
2) Finish the first 10 squares of Maria's Blue Crayon Spring Granny Afghan Crochet Along!
3) Make more CIL blocks.
4) Make progress on Prayer Shawl #7.
5) Pray my prayer and memorize Genesis 32:28
Linking up to:
Hookin’ On Hump Day @
Prayer for the week: