Have you heard of the movie, "Yesterday"? We saw it this past Friday and, though I enjoyed it, I was touched anew by the song "Hey Jude" that played during the credits. These lyrics touched me deeply.
"Take a sad song and make it better".
"And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder"
As I listened to these lyrics as if for the first time, I realized that my "sad song" as an adult survivor of child abuse, can be made better. I need not carry the world upon my shoulders, instead I can be real, be open to healing and be free.
Philippians 3: 13-14 comes to mind.

Dear Reader, do you have old hurts that haunt you? Try reading Philippians 3:13-14 several times a day. Post it throughout your environment. Take a chance and live it. You might be pleasantly surprised at the results.
Slow Stitching
I finished hand piecing Block 7 (Eula) of the Elm Street Quilts & Simple. Handmade. Everyday. hand pieced QAL! These ladies have cleverly named the blocks after the characters in the novel Friendship Album ,1933 by Frances O’Roark Dowell. I listened to this amazing work via Podcast while stitching. Talk about inspiring!
Today I'll be working on some more dishcloths and my Grandmother's Flower Garden. Here's where I'm hoping to spend several hours. Mia, my poodle, will join me after I settle in.
Here's a bird's eye view of my little table/table.
Because I used scraps, I'm guesstimating I used about .75 yards of fabric for both my pink and yellow sewing kits and the pink needle book.
Fabric Usage
last week - 14.00/100 yards
this week - 14.75/100 yards
Yarn Usage
I used roughly 10.5 ounces of yarn on those 7 dishcloths.
last week - 93/300 ounces
this week - 103.5/300 ounces
I'm linking up to:
this week - 103.5/300 ounces
I'm linking up to:
Sunday Stash@ Quilt, Paint, Create
Your comments are so appreciated! I read each one and will respond by email to you! :)
Your comments are so appreciated! I read each one and will respond by email to you! :)