I began this study here and continued it here! :)

Do everything without grumbling
or arguing?
Paul clearly states:
grumbling or arguing.
To be clear about what we're talking about, let's see how Webster defines grumbling and arguing.
grumbling: to complain quietly about something : to talk in an unhappy way
arguing: 1. to give reasons for or against something 2. to contend or disagree in words
Well, Philippians 2 speaks at length about unity, especially in the church. If there is much grumbling and arguing going on, who would want to be a part of that?
At a Bible Study last week, a man shared this story.
"I was involved in prison ministry. There was a prisoner who was completely closed off from everybody. He would watch us carefully, but would not participate. Somehow, he began to change. He slowly opened up and came to the LORD. He also began participating.
I asked him what caused the change. He told me, "Many groups have come and gone while I've been here. Your group was different. I watched you carefully and I liked how you treated each other."
What had he seen with the other groups? How was this group different? Does how I treat my family, friends and loved ones really affect someone else's decision to accept Christ.
Apparently so.
LORD, help me -
here's yet another reason
for me to do
without grumbling or arguing.
LORD, this seems like an impossible task,
but all things are possible with You!
Help me to live
as You would have me live, in a manner that would encourage people to come to You.
I'm such a stubborn one, LORD!
But, You brought this verse to mind,
so I know You are encouraging me today! Thank you, my LORD!

Dear Friend, this is my truth!
To Do Tuesday.
For some reason, I am not making my sewing goals! So, this week I'm kissing them - Keeping it simple, Sweetie!
1) Begin and finish my RSC 2017 blocks.
2) Add those 30 hexagons to my Hexagon Afghan.
3) Cut out fabric for my $7.50 Drunkard's Path Block!
Fingers crossed on achieving these goals!
Focus on the Quilting.
How many of you are checkbook quilters? I am and I love, absolutely love, my longarm quilter.
Not only is Stephanie extraordinarily talented, she has a heart the size of Texas, a strength I can only dream about and hugs that are worth a million bucks!
In my last post, I showed you my Victory Quilt and told you the story behind it. Today, I would like to highlight Stephanie's beautiful quilting!
(Please remember that I'm just an average sewist,
so the piecing is not perfect. Chemo didn't help.)
Each block had this beautiful flower centered right smack dab in the middle. |
Then, she shrunk it and
stitched it in EACH cornerstone!
Please note the quilting
on the brown fabric.
She quilted each block's border.
I really played with the colors so maybe the stitching would show up more....
Here's the corner of my quilt.
Can you see the mini flowers
in the cornerstones?
Gorgeous quilting from the back.
And the completed quilt again!
My husband and son are braving the cold winds to hold it up....
Sammy Whammy...gotta love him!
Stephanie's quilting makes the back just beautiful.
I'm linking up to
Join the party -
they are so much fun!