Monday's Strength
Lately I've been enjoying reading Colossians very slowly and journaling about it in my Happy Planner Faith Edition. I was struck by how similarly Paul began his letters to the Colossians and the Philippians.

He tells them that he thanks God for them when he remembers/prays for them and why he is grateful for them. He then goes onto say how he is praying for them. This pattern is followed in many of his other letters to various groups.
I wonder how our world would change if we greeting each other by sharing how grateful we are for them and why, as well as how we are praying for them?
Powerful stuff there. Let it begin with me.
Update on Mia
Mia is doing better - she's home. Apparently she has pancreatitis. Her numbers were really high, but we're hoping her hospitalization helped. They ran some blood work, so I'm expecting the results via phone tomorrow.
She's on B12, pancreas medication, pain medication, exercise and a special low-fat dog food. We napped together all afternoon. My heart is more peaceful.
Mini Dresden Wall Hanging
I'm almost finished appliqueing the Dresdens - one more to go!
Next I'll be prepping and appliqueing the solid black centers using "Perfect Circles" by Karen Kay Buckley. Here's a You Tube Video on how to use them. (no affiliate link)
A friend recommended framing them with black fabric vs. no frame.

I'm learning that no decisions need to be's a step at a time. The quilt will speak to me.
Book Date:
Current Reads

I'll be linking up to:
Lately I've been enjoying reading Colossians very slowly and journaling about it in my Happy Planner Faith Edition. I was struck by how similarly Paul began his letters to the Colossians and the Philippians.

He tells them that he thanks God for them when he remembers/prays for them and why he is grateful for them. He then goes onto say how he is praying for them. This pattern is followed in many of his other letters to various groups.
I wonder how our world would change if we greeting each other by sharing how grateful we are for them and why, as well as how we are praying for them?
Powerful stuff there. Let it begin with me.
Update on Mia
Mia is doing better - she's home. Apparently she has pancreatitis. Her numbers were really high, but we're hoping her hospitalization helped. They ran some blood work, so I'm expecting the results via phone tomorrow.
She's on B12, pancreas medication, pain medication, exercise and a special low-fat dog food. We napped together all afternoon. My heart is more peaceful.
Mini Dresden Wall Hanging
I'm almost finished appliqueing the Dresdens - one more to go!
Next I'll be prepping and appliqueing the solid black centers using "Perfect Circles" by Karen Kay Buckley. Here's a You Tube Video on how to use them. (no affiliate link)
A friend recommended framing them with black fabric vs. no frame.

I'm learning that no decisions need to be's a step at a time. The quilt will speak to me.
Book Date:
Current Reads

Into the Beautiful North: A Novel
New Mexico Colcha Club:
Spanish Colonial Embroidery &
the Women Who Saved It

I so enjoyed reading this book! A few have asked if I plan to make the quilt. Of course I plan to make the quilt - and I hope I do. In fact, I'm making plans to start it in 2020. You can see I've already marked my favorite blocks!