Monday, August 26, 2019

Monday's Strength. Update on Mia. Mini Dresden Wall Hanging. Book Date.

Monday's Strength
Lately I've been enjoying reading Colossians very slowly and journaling about it in my Happy Planner Faith Edition.  I was struck by how similarly Paul began his letters to the Colossians and the Philippians.  

He tells them that he thanks God for them when he remembers/prays for them and why he is grateful for them.  He then goes onto  say how he is praying for them.  This pattern is followed in many of his other letters to various groups.
I wonder how our world would change if we greeting each other by sharing how grateful we are for them and why, as well as how we are praying for them?  
Powerful stuff there.  Let it begin with me.

Update on Mia
Mia is doing better - she's home.  Apparently she has pancreatitis.  Her numbers were really high, but we're hoping her hospitalization helped.  They ran some blood work, so I'm expecting the results via phone tomorrow.  

She's on B12, pancreas medication, pain medication, exercise and a special low-fat dog food.  We napped together all afternoon.  My heart is more peaceful.  

Mini Dresden Wall Hanging
I'm almost finished appliqueing the Dresdens - one more to go!
Next I'll be prepping and appliqueing the solid black centers using "Perfect Circles" by Karen Kay BuckleyHere's a You Tube Video on how to use them.  (no affiliate link)
Image result for perfect circle karen buckley
A friend recommended framing them with black fabric vs. no frame.  

I'm learning that no decisions need to be's a step at a time.  The quilt will speak to me.
Book Date
Current Reads
Into the Beautiful North: A Novel

New Mexico Colcha Club: 

Spanish Colonial Embroidery & 

the Women Who Saved It

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I so enjoyed reading this book!  A few have asked if I plan to make the quilt.  Of course I plan to make the quilt - and I hope I do.  In fact, I'm making plans to start it in 2020.  You can see I've already marked my favorite blocks!    

I'll be linking up to:

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Saturday's Song: More Than You Think I Am. Slow Stitching. Stash Report

Saturday's Song

God is more than we think He is.  Even in our despair, even in our pain, He is more than we think He is.  This week, my beloved doggy, Mia, was so sick.  She may be still....we're waiting on test results.  
She is my baby.
She never left my side during treatment for cancer, unless I had to leave her while I went to appointments.  She was so loyal, she didn't leave my side to go potty and developed a UTI.
As I tried to gain my strength to walk again, we'd play ball.  Each time, she would drop the ball just a little further away so that I would have to walk just a little more to get it.  
And now, as I write this, she is in ICU and I weep.
But God is more than I think He is.  He not only knows my pain, my hurt, and my fear, He's with me.  
I trust in Him.
Will  you join me?
Here's the story behind the song.
Here's the story behind the man, one who has known deep pain and still serves God.

Slow Stitching
I started this Dresden Plate Mini Quilt and decided to hand applique the plates.  This will be my project today.  
UPDATE:  I found the pattern!  It's called "Baker's Dozen" by Suzn Quilts.  I'm almost finished appliqueing the Dresdens onto the background.  Next come the centers.  I'll be attempting needle turn applique with those....which me luck!
I'll also be picking up my hand pieced quilt (hosted by the Elm Street Quilts and Simply Everyday Handmadeagain, continuing with block 9.  

Stash Report
Fabric Usage
Finishing my Morning Glory quilt really added to my numbers!
last week - 14.75/100 yards  
this week -  29.05/100 yards
Yarn Usage 
last week - 103.5/300 ounces
this week - 107/300 ounces

I hope you check out these parties!
Slow Stitching Sunday @ Kathy's Quilts
Sunday Stash@ Quilt, Paint, Create
Your comments are so appreciated!  I read each one and will respond by email to you!  :)

Monday, August 19, 2019

Monday's Strength. Stitcher's Garden. Book Date.

Monday's Strength
Lately I've been enjoying reading Colossians very slowly and journaling about it in my Happy Planner Faith Edition.  I was struck by how similarly Paul began his letters to the Colossians and the Philippians.  

He tells them that he thanks God for them when he remembers/prays for them and why he is grateful for them.  He then goes onto  say how he is praying for them.  This pattern is followed in many of his other letters to various groups.
I wonder how our world would change if we greeting each other by sharing how grateful we are for them and why, as well as how we are praying for them?  
Powerful stuff there.  Let it begin with me.

Stitcher's Garden Blocks
As you may have read, these last weeks have been very active, leaving little time for sewing.  I've decided to postpone starting the Garden Snail Quilt until I get caught up with my BOMs!  
Here are three more blocks from my Stitcher's Garden.  I'm not sure if they need another border, so I'll be asking my teacher on Wednesday.  

Book Date
Current Reads
The Farmer's Wife 1930s Sampler Quilt: Inspiring Letters from Farm Women of the Great Depression and 99 Quilt Blocks That Honor Them



Thief of Corinth

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Sunday, August 18, 2019

Saturday's Song: I'll Find You. Slow Stitching. Stash Report

Saturday's Song
Here's a song that may surprise you because it's Christian rap.  My son raps and many of his songs are faith based. This song by Lecrae made me think of him and other young people.  Then I saw the video.
Here's the story behind the song.  My dear, be your battle cancer or something else, God will find you.  Open your heart to Him.  

When I was weak as a kitten during treatment, I was never alone.  He was there directing my path.  Please know that you are not alone.  He'll find you if you allow your heart to be open.  
I'll Find You

Just fight a little longer my friend

It's all worth it in the end
But when you got nobody to turn to
Just hold on, and I'll find you
I'll find you
I'll find you
Just hold on, and I'll find you
I'm hanging on by a thread

And all I'm clinging to is prayers
And every breath is like a battle
I feel like I ain't come prepared
And death's knockin' on the front door
Pain's creepin' through the back
Fear's crawlin' through the windows
Waiting for em' to attack
They say "Don't get bitter, get better"
I'm working on switching them letters
But tell God I'ma need a whole lotta hope keeping it together
I'm smilin' in everyone's face
I'm cryin' whenever they leave the room
They don't know the battle I face
They don't understand what I'm going through
The world…
Source: LyricFind
My dear, Jesus is calling, but you have to do your part.  Did your read what it is?  Open the door.  Open the door to your heart.  Will you do that?  
Slow Stitching
I started this Dresden Plate Mini Quilt and decided to hand applique the plates.  This will be my project today.  

Stash Report
Fabric Usage
Finishing my Morning Glory quilt really added to my numbers!
last week - 14.75/100 yards  
this week -  29.05/100 yards
Yarn Usage 
last week - 103.5/300 ounces
this week - 107/300 ounces

I hope you check out these parties!
Slow Stitching Sunday @ Kathy's Quilts
Sunday Stash@ Quilt, Paint, Create

Your comments are so appreciated!  I read each one and will respond by email to you!  :)

Friday, August 16, 2019

Jesus Asked It #12. I Like...Instagram! $7.50 Blocks!

Jesus Asked It #12
Jesus Asked Series: 1,  2, 3, 4, 5678910, 11

When I pulled up this verse, I almost went back to Jesus Asked It #11 to make a correction!

Look how similar the verses are!  I hadn't noticed this before!
3 â€œWhy do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
Matthew 7:3 NIV

How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?
Matthew 7:4 NIV
I went to my trusty Layman's Bible Commentary for clarification.  I understood that as Christians we are not to judge others as a force of habit, but to use discernment in a loving manner and to make fellowship decisions for ourselves (a whole other topic in itself).  I also understood that if we are taking our own "imperfections seriously, we have little time for judging others" (pg. 44).  

How often do we ignore our own shortcomings - even if they are as large as a plank of wood and there all the while?  

I am learning that there is a fine balance between judging others and becoming a doormat.  This is where discernment and setting boundaries comes in.  

I am learning to pray for wisdom in judgment and reactions to the actions of others which directly affect myself and my loved ones.  I am also learning that boundaries are needed and healthy.   

I am learning.

I Like Instagram!
In light of the mass shooting in El Paso, I have been largely offline except for Instagram.  Here are a few of my likes:

 Our us in spite of and are always there for us....
 I had to look at this one carefully....
then I laughed out loud!
 Inspiration for my future yarn stash...
I have to get through my current one first!
 So true....
 So true.....
In a doctor's office

This is what my bed looks like after I make a grandchild in it and he slips out!

$7.50 Blocks
Two more blocks finished!

Just a few more and I should have two finished flimsies!
Linking up to 
Your comments are so appreciated!  I read each one and will respond by email to you!  :)