Monday, September 17, 2018

Jesus Asked It #5. Teacup Quilt Along Block 2. Book Date.

Jesus Asked It #5
As soon as I read Jesus’ next question, I remembered my first years as a bilingual teacher.  It was so overwhelming!  So, to simplify my life, I decided to join my students and wear the uniform that they wore:  blue pants/skirt and a white blouse.  That way I could focus on what was truly important:  being the best teacher I could be. 

As I read the above verse, I wondered if Christ was really saying:  “Seriously, why do you worry about clothes?  There are lost souls to be saved, the sick to be healed!  Time is short!  Focus on what is important, people!”

So, what is really important in your own life to focus on?  What is God calling you to do?  Jana Alcorn pointed out Isaiah 38:2 in her book, Don't Throw In The Towel, Hope Again
Instead of focusing on Hezekiah turning towards the wall, she points out that he could have been turning AWAY from everything that was distracting him from God’s voice! 
Dear Reader, do we need to do this as well?  Do we need to cease worrying about the little things so that we can focus on what is vital? 
If God takes care of nature, surely He will take care of us, His beloved children! 

Go forth in joy and confidence!  
Do not problems, pain and worry distract you from listening to God’s voice and fulfilling His will for your life!  Amen?  :)

Teacup Quilt Along Block 2
Carole at From My Carolina Home recently posted Block 2 of her Teacup Quilt Along!  This cup was a bit more challenging, but so much fun!  Here's mine!
It's not to late to join up!  I have all her posts listed here.  
Book Date
Currently Reading

Image result for don't throw in the towel, hope again

The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV
Doing Busy Better: Enjoying God's Gifts of Work and Rest

I enjoyed the setting and characters in Pastoral by André Alexis.  The setting was idyllic for Father Pennant's wanderings.  The human nature was shared quite honestly and realistically.  I look forward to reading the sequel, Fifteen Dogs.  This is my 2nd book finished for the 12 Annual Canadian Book Challenge hosted Melwyk at The Indextrious Reader!
The Glass Lake
Maeve Binchy again, presented an intriguing read.  Our young protagonist is faced with an exceedingly difficult dilemma in which she chooses as wisely as she can.  Eventually, the story comes to a somewhat abrupt end which provides her with some measure of peace and the ability to move forward.  

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Saturday's Song & Health update. Slow Stitching. Stash Report.

Saturday's Song & Health Update
Perhaps a few of you have noticed my absence from "Bloglandia" this week.  Since the last week of August, I have been in a fibromyalgia flare up - experiencing unusual pain, fatigue and, now, burning, neuropathy-like pain, in my feet, especially in my left foot.    It's been almost a year since these ailments have reared their ugly head.  Praise God, I have been able to work thus supporting my sweet Student Teachers.
I may be in pain, have to rest more than I would like, and be unable to do all I would like but I am victorious!
This is my song today, my way of sticking my tongue out at the defeated one. God is bigger than the boogie man!

You may not see as many posts for a little while, but I can still read my Bible, pray, craft a bit and I made it to church this morning!  I'm also posting my daily devotional Scriptures on Instagram. I know you'll be patient and understanding during this time of sporadic posts because...well....that's just how we roll!  
Image result for that's how we roll meme
Slow Stitching
Today I did a bit of crocheting on this little guy.  He's my September 1 Xmas Item A Month.  There's not much to show yet, but there will be soon!  
Mostly, I'm resting and writing blog posts.  :)
Stash Report
I added 6 yards to my fabric stash, sewed a couple of blocks and discovered a new series of patterns.  I'm eager to share all these new sewing studio events!  
I finally settled on a background fabric for this $7.50 quilt!
Many of my projects are long-term BOMs/QALs, so fabric usage isn't really showing right now.  It's ok....I'm having so much fun in my studio.  

I also finished dishcloths (corrected numbers) 24-26/52 for the #yarnhoardersdishclothchallenge!  

Silly me!  I updated my yarn numbers to show the usage!  :)
Fabric used since last time
To Date used

Fabric in since last time
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
Yarn used since last time
6 oz
To Date used
102.10 oz

Yarn in since last time
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7days
15 minutes stitching days/since July 29, 2018 = 42/49 days
Success Rate = 86%

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Saturday's Song: Slow Stitching. Stash Report.

Saturday's Song:  Clean
My sweet reader, 
God loves you.  Nothing you have done, said or thought can separate you from Him.  He washes you clean and frees you from your past!  
I should know.
He has cleansed me time and again.
Will you believe long enough to let Him and walk in freedom?

Slow Stitching
This weekend I'll be starting two new projects, a Christmas gift and Prayer Shawl #11.  
This will be my sister's Christmas Gift

 in this yarn....

She tells me she wears the gloves and shawls/scarves I make her to the frequent evening events that she and her husband attend.  The yarn has a subtle sparkle to it that will make it perfect for these occasions. 
The pattern is in this book
and is called the Cluster V-Stitch Wrap designed by Sue Childress. She doesn't read my blog, so I'm not ruining the surprise.......

I'm also starting Prayer Shawl #11, but this one will be more of a Prayer Afghan for a child using this yarn.  
Do you recognize the combination?  It's the yarn I used for Patrick's Strength .  I'm adding white yarn to soften the combination of red, black and blue as you can see in Patrick's finished afghan.    

Stash Report
I added 3 yards to my fabric stash and will be adding another three yards next week.  It's been difficult to find my background fabric for a project. 
Being that I finished Prayer Shawl #10 and a small dishcloth, I used a bit of yarn and have resisted buying more!
Fabric used since last time
To Date used

Fabric in since last time
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
Yarn used since last time
9.30 oz
To Date used
96.10 oz

Yarn in since last time
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/since July 29, 2018 = 35/42 days
Success Rate = 83%

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Wednesday's Word #2. Crocheted Dishcloths!

Wednesday's Word #2
Here is another promise from my Promise Box and from my Reading of Don't Throw in the Towel - Hope Again by Jana Alcorn.
Here is an easier to read version.  

Interestingly enough, the LORD seems to sending me verses about resting. Life can be hard and complicated.  
I'm finding great peace and serenity as I learn to rest in and trust my LORD and Savior instead of focusing on what can be petty circumstances - especially when compared to my God.  

Someone once said that, when we get to Heaven, we will be surprised at what a small, insignificant being the defeated one is.  I'm trying to have that perspective now - on Earth.  
I'm learning to focus foremost on love, on God.  
Am I always sucessful?  Nope.  
Am I trying?  Yup. 

Progress, not perfection.  

Crocheted Dishcloths
Here are dishcloths 19-21/52 for the #yarnhoardersdishclothchallenge!  I'm slowly making my way to 52 dishcloths!  

It's a bit of crafting that I have been able to accomplish this week between observations and out-of-town doctor appointments for myself and a family member.  

Tomorrow our sewing group will be making Christmas place mats for the nursing home residents who kindly host us!  And, hopefully, this weekend will find me at my sewing machine.  

Looking forward to 
reading your comments!  

Linking up to 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Late Happy Labor Day! To Do Tuesday. Book Date.

Happy Labor Day!
Today's post will be short as I have enjoyed the last few days relaxing with my husband.  Last night my daughter and 8-year-old grandson came over to play with our new puppy, Chico, and Kitty.  
My grandson and I practiced lassoing each other's arm and playing chase in the yard.  I tackled and tickled him a few times as Chico licked his face!
I thought there may be some pain in this grandma's body this morning, but my pain levels are normal - no increased pain!  Praise God!  

Instead of a full Bible Study, I'll share this promise that has randomly popped up in my Bible Study two days in a row.  I wonder if He wants someone to read this as well?  

To Do Tuesday
Last Week's List
1) Continue joining my Spring Granny Square Afghan. ✔ 

2)    Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt    ✔ 
3) Continue work on Prayer Shawl #10.  ✔ 

4) Limit myself to these three projects so that I can rest and get better.  ✔ I rather like having a shorter list!  
This Week's List
1) Continue joining my Spring Granny Square Afghan. 

2)    Grandmother's Flower Garden Quilt    
3) Continue work on Prayer Shawl #10. This will be easy to accomplish as I will be sitting in a couple of doctors' ofices today!   
4) Fix my mistake on my backpack.  Rip!  Rip!
Grandmother's Flower Garden Progress
I'm 95% finished connecting Rows 1-3 and here are rows 4-5! 
Chico decided to participate by helping me prematurely remove some of the papers....
 Luckily, he doesn't like fabric- 
and I've learned
to store my projects in a safer place!  :)
Book Date
Currently Reading

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Saturday's Song. Slow Stitching. Stash Report,

Saturday's Song:  Dream Small
The title sounds unusual, but it's so true!  Those "little" things we do every day, are huge!

Above all else, LORD, help us remember our lives, our work, our calling is in Your hands.  Amen.
Slow Stitching
 Today was an amazing birthday party for my husband.  So, tonight I'll be resting with some crocheting on my  Spring Granny Square Afghan

and Prayer Shawl #10.  

This yarn is a dream to work with and I love the colors!  I may add an edging to add some beads....
Kathy at Kathy's Quilts Slow Sunday Stitching Photo Challenge is to photograph our favorite stitching place.  
I sit on a swing and this is my view:

Stash Report
No changes in my fiber stashes or projects in or out.  
Fabric used since last time
To Date used

Fabric in since last time
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
Yarn used since last time
To Date used
86.80 oz

Yarn in since last time
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
15 minutes stitching days/week = 7/7 days
15 minutes stitching days/since July 29, 2018 = 28/35 days
Success Rate = 80%