Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wednesday's Word. Wednesday Wrap Ups. Pressing On.

Wednesday's Word

"...choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve...."
Whom will we serve?  It's our choice.  During a sermon on loving our family on purpose, Pastor was sharing wonderful parenting tips.  As an adult survivor of child abuse as well as a parent who has made mistakes, I wondered if some of those listening may be 1) wishing they had parents such as the ones he was teaching about or 2) were parents who are burdened by mistakes they have made.  I fit into both categories.  

Before the defeated one could tangle me up, I recalled Joshua 24:14-15 - choose this day who I will serve.  I modified it to fit my needs for today by telling God and myself that I will  choose this day whom I will serve, 
the demons of my past 
the God of my future.  
I choose to forget what is behind - yet keep the lessons learned.
I chose to strain toward what is ahead.  
I wonder if you are living life constrained by the demons of your past, as I was?  
It doesn't have to be that way, not at all.  
Join me in taking steps toward a freeing, joyful life in serving the God of our future!  
It's so liberating!

Wednesday Wrap Ups
Tada!  Here is my finished Morning Glory flimsy!  I absolutely love it!

I'm pressing the top and using a fat back for the backing.  Then it'll be off to my LAQ!  I'm thinking about using a scrappy binding.  We'll see!  
Pressing On
Last week's goals were:
1.  Visit Daddy and Mama for an overnight and maybe even this weekend.  ✔
2.  Add the sashing to the Morning Glory blocks. âœ”
3.  Finish up two blocks for my Stitchers' Garden. X

This week's goals:
1.  Visit Daddy and Mama for an overnight.
2.  Finish up the two  Month 4 blocks for my Stitchers' Garden.
3.   Quilt 15 minutes a day on Pat's Quilt.

Check out these fun parties!
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication 
To Do Tuesday @ Stitch All Things
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? @ Confession of a Fabric Addict (on Fridays) 

Your comments are so appreciated!  I read each one and will respond by email to you!  :)

Monday, July 15, 2019

Monday's Strength. Morning Glory + New Projects. Book Date.

Monday's Strength
At my church, Heart for the World, Pastor Dale has some really cool sayings that I have begun to call "Daleisms".  When I told him about them, he laughed and said he'd never heard of them before.  I've decided to share a few from the June 23rd service which is part of a series titled "Loving Your Family On Purpose".  

"Success is having the love and respect of those who know you the best."

At the times all is right in his marriage, he feels like he can "charge hell with a water pistol!"

"When your purpose is bigger than you problems, your purpose overcomes your problems.  When your problems are bigger than your purpose, your problems overcome your purpose."

Let us go to our LORD and Savior that we may do all things through Christ!  As we lean on Him and work with Him we become more than conquerors in Him! 

Oh LORD, help us to remember to put You first that we may achieve the purpose You have for us!  Help us to lean on You, work with You and go forward with You leading our way!

Morning Glory Quilt
My Morning Glory Quilt  blocks are now finished!  Soon I'll be posting the finished flimsy!

I used two fat eighth bundles from Kate Spain's Early Bird collection.  I am excited that I have enough fabric to make this quilt, Garden Snails, in a twin size!  

Image result for pen and paper patterns garden snails
For now, I'm cutting out the fabrics and laying them out on my trays.  

But first, I am going to quilt (gulp!) this quilt for a friend.  
Her late mother-in-law made it, but passed away before she could quilt it.  It seems that she did a stitch in the ditch.  I'm nervous as I rarely - if ever- quilt my own quilts.  I've been fingers crossed it will go well!

Book Date
Current Reads

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Saturday's Song. Slow Stitching. Stash Report

Saturday's Song

I searched through the Earth 
for something that could satisfy

A peace for the hurt I had buried deep inside

Knees on the floor, I finally found everything I needed
You lifted my soul and opened up my eyes
And I never knew anything lasts forever

Till I found You, till I found You

I never dreamed anything could be better
Till I found You, till I found You
You're rewriting my story

And I'm brand new like a morning

Oh, I never knew anything lasts forever
Till I found You
Till I, till I found You
Till I, till I found You

Till I, till I found You

Till I, till I found You
Gone are the days I'm chasing after what won't last

I'm done with building these castles that crumble like sand

Oh, knees on the floor
I finally…
Source: LyricFind
These lyrics describe my heart so completely.  Till I found Him, I was lost, angry, resentful, I find peace in the midst of the storm, more self-acceptance than I dreamed was possible, hope instead of despair.......I bet you could turn your life around if you trusted Him.  Here is a wonderful turnaround story!
Perhaps you relate to this song!  Perhaps you could share your story in the comments?
He is the God who turns around the lost and hurting that they may be found and healed.  
Slow Stitching
Today I'm hoping to continue stitching on this embroidery project.  You know, our hearts can sometimes mislead us, so I've decided to stitch "Jesus" in the middle of the heart....maybe in gold thread.  
Naturally, I'm hoping to make some guessed it!  Dishcloths!
Stash Report
Yea!  I finished my Morning Glory Quilt by Kate Spain!  I'll be sharing it later this week.    This finish  doubles my fabric usage!
Fabric Usage
last week - 14.75/100 yards  
this week -  29.05/100 yards
Yarn Usage 
Some more dishcloths were made up - and I just love them!  This seems to be the year of the dishcloths!

last week - 103.5/300 ounces
this week - 107/300 ounces

I hope you check out these parties!
Slow Stitching Sunday @ Kathy's Quilts
Sunday Stash@ Quilt, Paint, Create

Your comments are so appreciated!  I read each one and will respond by email to you!  :)

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Jesus Asked It #11. I Like...San Diego! $7.50 Blocks!

Jesus Asked It #11
Jesus Asked Series: 1,  2, 3, 4, 56789, 10
As you may recall this series started when my Pastor mentioned this in church:  If you really want to get to know Jesus, look at the questions He asked.  Let's continue on our journey.  

How often I have been guilty of this very action!  
I guess I made the most progress at breaking this habit when I heard this in Al-Anon:  

Memes, Responsibility, and Back: Whenever you point
 the finger of blame
 at Someone
 notice the three fingers
 of responsibility pointing
 back towards you.
Dear one, it's a continual journey to improve ourselves, to live out God's Word, to become gentle with ourselves and others...progress not perfection...another Al-Anon slogan that impacted me.  It reminds me of Philippians 3:12.

Oh LORD, help us to focus on how we can better serve You by becoming the best women and men of God that we can be!

I Liked Loved Our Trip to San Diego!
What is amazing is that Daddy could go on vacation - and was well enough to enjoy it!  He hit many of his Bucket List dreams - and we (my sister, my brother-in-law, Daddy and myself) were blessed to be part of the dream with him!  He is weaker since his diagnosis, but his spirit and mind are willing!  Praise God!
Here's a few photos of the beauty we all enjoyed!
Mission Basilica at San Juan Capistrano

 The gardens were peaceful and filled with God's love.  I was reminded of our time in Okinawa.

 Even a nearby Starbucks was pretty!

Gotta love the ocean view!
 The view from our balcony....
such a beautiful place to lovingly crochet gifts...sigh.....
 I liked this hanging in our condo....
 My little sister staged this photo in a flash...such talent...such unity....we have the same feet!  :)

$7.50 Blocks
I've made some progress on my $7.50 blocks (updated to include link).  I'm only a month behind!  Yea!

Linking up to 

Your comments are so appreciated!  I read each one and will respond by email to you!  :)