Sunday, April 1, 2018

Saturday's Song. Still Stitching #4. Stash Report. Slow Stitching.

Happy Easter!
This is the day 
that the LORD hath made; 
we will rejoice 
and be glad in it!  
Psalm 118:24 KJV  
Happy Easter!  
Let us rejoice!


Saturday's Song
My week started with brokenness, tears and a sacrifice of praise.  So this was the song I chose:

Then, as I continued praising through tears this was my song:

Hope was building!  Yup...the pain was still there, but so was God - and as a dear friend once said, "God is bigger than the boogy man!"

By the time I heard this song, I was dancing through my pain into joy! 

Try a sacrifice of praise and see how God will move!  Remember:

I realize I am sharing some of the same Scriptures, points, and songs repeatedly.  Sometimes, we have to be frequently exposed to an idea for it to saturate our hearts.  

Still Stitching #4
Still Stitching #3 Still Stitching #5
I do believe that Psalm 30:5b will be added to my #1yearofstitches.
Last time we ended with a new tip I learned from someone who briefly attended our Al-Anon meeting.  It was:

Another tough hitting, but excellent point that hit me like a ton of bricks, and then more gently.  Far be it for me to get between my loved one and God!  I recalled the Scripture:
I have been working on this for a long time as you can see from this post which is part of a 4 part series.  
It’s a process.  

not perfection 
is the goal.

I never want to be between anyone and God, so I had to get out of the way.  Painful as it was, I had to detach with love.  We all have to allow others to work out their own salvation with fear and trembling – as we do the same.

Slow Stitching
My son-in-law, bless his heart, and my grandkids helped me finish some Comfort Dolls!  I took them to my Cancer Care Meeting and they were recieved with love.  I did forget to take pictures, but but here are the ones left with a few new additions. The dolls were hand-stitched shut and their skirts gathered nicely with embroidery thread.  

Stash Report
I did finish the first batch of Comfort Dolls!
Fabric used this week
Previous total

To Date used

Fabric in this week
Previous total
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)
Yarn used this week
Previous total
To Date used

Yarn in this week
Previous total
To Date in
Net in the red (more bought than used!)

NO changes in yarn,
but fabric is getting slightly better!

Linking up to


  1. Good movement in the right direction and for a worthy cause too.

    1. It's a win-win! Thank you for hosting and stopping by!

  2. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post.

    1. You are so welcome! To God be the glory because I sure can't do this on my own! :) Thank YOU for stopping by!

  3. I need reminders of verses and songs all the time! Keep on repeating and praising.

    1. Thank you, Nancy! I will certainly keep on repeating and praising! Thank you so much!

  4. Great to see the things you're using in a good cause. I had to detach, too, and it's very painful. The Lord has blessed me with peace. I hope you, too.

    1. Most of the time I'm very peaceful - which is surprising to me. I so appreciate your comment because it gives hope! Thank you!
