Sunday, March 27, 2022

Weekly Word: Keeping My Mind Stayed on Him Plus My Reading, Stitching and Gratitude This Week!

Hello there!

I know your time is precious, so I appreciate you taking time to pop in!  How was your week?  Are you enjoying some beautiful spring weather?  

Last week I knew surgery would soon be approaching, so I scheduled play dates with days to rest afterwards.  I visited my local library (support those local libraries!) and had a morning Bible study with a new friend.    So, it was an active week!  This week there was little time for hobbies or blogging!  I even forgot to link up to some of my regular parties!  😮  

I'm grateful to have had those days, however, as my surgery is scheduled for this Thursday!  So, let's move on with this blog so I can fill you in!

Here's is an index should you have a special interest you'd like to read first!  
The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series.  
My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review.      
Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects.   
Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking.  This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings!    

Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer - Here you will find updates on life after Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  I was diagnosed in November of 2014 and my last day of treatment was in November 2015.   

Weekly Word

As my surgery date approaches and my knowledge about MAKO robotic partial knee surgery increased, I felt nervous.  So I leaned on past lessons learned from my LORD and Savior.  On a day I was particularly nervous, I listened to Stayed on Him by Terrian multiple times.  I also repeatedly quoted Isaiah 26:3 to myself.  
I also repeatedly quoted Isaiah 26:3 to myself.  
Just like the altars of old, I added my testimony stone to my collection!  I was even able to share them with my grandchildren!  God is so good!

My Reading Life

Though I've read a bit this week, other activities took over!  I am still focusing on Once I Was You by Maria Hinojosa.  Oh my goodness!  The Rose Code is a wonderful audio read thus far!  

Currently reading

No books were finished this week.  

Stash Report

Yarny Numbers
I finished my 12 Point Star Afghan!  It came out lovely (see below) and made for great looking numbers.  I started another baby afghan as well.  
I'm stitching up my yarn stash to make space for two future afghans.  Donna's Stash Report keeps me cognizant of my fiber purchases and my goal of staying in the black.  😊 
Fabric Numbers

I finished 8 hexagons which accounted for fabric usage.  (See below) Otherwise not much is happening in the sewing room.  I do however, have several quilts that need to be bound.  Hopefully, I'll be attaching the binding this week and binding them as I recover from surgery, so my numbers should be even better!  Fingers crossed, there should be no major purchases for a bit!  

To Do Tuesday


Last Week's List
1. Sunday Slow Stitching: Stitch up one hexie a day and perhaps finish the embroidered tea towel!  ✔ halfway.  I didn't quite finish my tea towel. 

2. Crochet: Finish 1/2 of the 3rd skein ✔ I finished the blue 12 point start baby afghan and have even started a new granny square one! 

3.  Machine Sewing: Stitch up the blocks for Row 2 Pieces in the Garden.  ✔
4. Christmas Sewing List:  Prep and begin stitching the grandchildren’s 2022 Christmas softies 
Next Up:
- two Christmas quilts for my own home (Can you believe I haven't made me even one?!) 😲
- a Christmas table topper
This Week's List

1. Sunday Slow Stitching: Stitch up one hexie a day & finish the embroidered tea towel!  I'm so close!
2. Crochet: Make progress on my new afghan.
3.  Machine Sewing: Attach binding to my quilts in the binding que.  Stitch up the blocks for Row 2 Pieces in the Garden.  
4. Christmas Sewing List:  Prep and begin stitching the grandchildren’s 2022 Christmas softies 
Next Up:
- two Christmas quilts for my own home (Can you believe I haven't made me even one?!) 😲
- a Christmas table topper

Gratitude Journal


Over the course of this week my grandchildren and I made four dozen biscuit donuts!  When they’re being shared between nine people, they don’t go very far :-) we serve them on my birth mothers fine China following my dog granddaughters desire to serve them with ice cream, sprinkles and chocolate syrup over the donuts :-) In keeping with trying to eat healthier, I sent most of them home with the grandbabies!   I’m so very grateful for this time we had together.

I’m continuing my quest to eat healthier with these mason jar salads.
I also made some overnight oatmeal Which make a great breakfast or even a nighttime snack.
My husband sent me this picture. I shared it on my blog along time ago and it was a sweet reminder to be gentle with myself.
Last Sunday our temperature was 81° and Monday we had snow in the mountains! Chico was really cold that morning!

I saw this picture of future board directors in my doctors office and just had to share :-)
On Monday I made hamburger soup to ward off the job! Here was my base recipe, but of course there were a few changes!  It was delicious!

Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

I finally have a date for my MAKO robotic partial knee replacement:  March 31!  Many thanks to the medical scheduler at my doctor’s office, everything came together very smoothly. Clearance paperwork has been faxed in and I should be ready to go.

I’ve heard that recovery is very quick and easy, but I made the mistake of researching online. I’m a little bit nervous as those incisions look huge and the actual surgery looks dicey, but as you can tell from this weeks devotional, I am trying to replace thoughts of fear and dread with keeping my mind stayed on Him and trusting Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior.

My PCP told me that when she picked her sister up from the hospital after surgery, they actually went out to eat!  I’m so grateful that God is surrounding me with people who are sharing such wonderful words of encouragement! He knows I sure need them :-)

Due to the application's ease of use, I'm planning to share updates on Instagram.  For those of you without Instagram, I'm hoping to share very brief updates on the blog as well.  I look forward to seeing you on the other side of this experience!

In the meantime take good care!

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Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

Here are some blogs I sometimes link up to!
A Spirit of Simplicity
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? @ Book Date
To Do Tuesday @ Texas Quilt Gal
Pictorial Tuesday @ Peabea's Photos & Scribbles
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication (Wednesdays)
Needle and Thread Thursday @ My Quilt Infatuation
I Like @ Not Afraid of Color (Thursday)
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict (Friday)



  1. I've marked your surgery on my calendar and pray you have quick healing with no pain! I encourage you to take any paid meds offered if you need them. When I had my foot surgery a year ago, my foot was numb for a day, then on the second night searing pain hit me at 2:00am. I prayed my way through till morning (I was so silly not to wake my husband) and he convinced me to take just a half of my pain pill the next morning (I am very opposed to pain pills). It worked like a charm and I only had to take one more half that night. After that I was able to easily tolerate any pain I had and counted that as a blessing.
    Your crochet turned out beautiful in those pretty blues! How do you like Brothers and Wives? My Mom used to make biscuit donuts - what a wonderful memory that brought back.
    Here's an early thank you for linking up with To Do Tuesday!

  2. I’m sending good thoughts and prayers to you, my friend, for your surgery.

    Beautiful song. I need to bookmark this one.

    And I always love seeing your handwork.

  3. I’m sending good thoughts and prayers to you, my friend, for your surgery.

    Beautiful song. I need to bookmark this one.

    And I always love seeing your handwork.

  4. I have that Nancy Drew book. Your 12 point afghan is beautiful. Best wishes for a speedy recovery from your surgery.

  5. Praying for a successful surgery and quick recovery for you.

  6. I loved The Rose Code - such an interesting story! Your star afghan is beautiful. You must be getting quite a pile of the hexies by now, too. Best wishes for your surgery this week - I'll be thinking about you!

  7. I'm sending prayers and best wishes for your surgery. I wish you a speedy recovery too.

  8. I have the rose code in my TBR pile. I’m currently reading the Dictionary of Lost Words. I hope your surgery goes well.

  9. Good luck with your surgery and a fast recovery.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. Good luck with the surgery! I hope everything goes smoothly and you heal quickly. Have a great week!

  11. I enjoyed catching up with all you've been doing, reading and stitching! I'm praying for your surgery. I have some surgery coming up now, too, so I appreciated what you had to say about repeating Bible verses and listening to praise songs.

  12. The Rose Code is one of my favorite reads last year. Love your crochet work.

    Thoughts and prayers accompany you to your surgery.

    Elza Reads

  13. Wishing you all the best for Thursday's knee surgery. Will keep an eye out on IG. I've always thought of making overnight oatmeal but never done it. Some time!!

  14. Hope your surgery went well!
