Sunday, March 16, 2025

March 16: Matthew 28:20, Fiber Fun, Literary Joy


Hello There,
I'm so glad you stopped in for a visit!  This week has been an active one with the grandkids on Spring Break.  We've baked, swam (in an indoor pool), made several library trips and cooked!  You'll see pics of my grandson's creation in the Finding Joy section.  
Next week only three grandkids will be on break, but I'm looking forward to more time with them.  They grow so fast, don't they?
Daddy is eating less, but perhaps that is due to his UTI.  Of course, now we are looking for pain.  He has some in his shoulder which is being treated.  We're watching that closely.
Our Chole is acting like she is feeling fine and I am grateful.  
Please, pull up a chair and your favorite snack/beverage as you enjoy this week's post!  

HERE'S A WORD - Faith...broken faith...faltering faith.  Here I will share a Scripture about these topics.  No judgement, only love.  
Reading A Shepherd Looks at Psalm 23 by W. Phillip Keller, has inspired many of these devotionals.  My faith is now a mustard seed as I gain understanding of the benefits of the valleys.    
National and global events shake us.  "Where is God?", we ask.  He is with us - all of us.  I don't know God's will.  I don't know the "why" of these terrible circumstances.  
I do know, according to Matthew 28:20b, God is always with us In fact, those were Jesus' last words to his disciples.  
According to Keller, the valleys give us increased empathy for others.  Many of my friends comforted me as I went through the cancer and the subsequent time of healing from chemotherapy.  However, sadly, of them was later diagnosed with cancer.  She told me, "I comforted you before, but now I understand you.  I truly understand your experience."
My time in the valley is for many reasons, one of them is my Daddy's health.  But, at the same time, my family is facing other, very personal trials.  Perhaps you/yours as well.  
The first part of Matthew 28:20 gives us Jesus' last instructions - to reach out to others.  As we unite with each other and others around us who are facing valleys, let us, oh so very gently, remind each other that He is with us and pray for each other.  Let our mustard seed of faith begin to bloom, slowly perhaps, but still bloom.  

I've been too busy playing to do much crocheting!  

Hand Embroidery:
Joy to the World is finished! I’m hoping to have her framed by next week! 🤞
The baby quilt version of Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail is now a finished project!  Tada!  This is the first time I've machine bound a quilt.  Also, I rarely quilt my own projects, but thought I'd give it a go.  The quilting is "organic" meaning I didn't measure the spaces between lines.  😉  It's on my grass (which needs to be cut) so it looks wavy, but it's not.  Thank you to Melva at Melva Loves Scraps for this fun sew along!    

Oh my goodness, as I am a multi-tasker, how I struggle to read hard copies and eBooks!  One blogger, please tell me who you are, shared that she reads 25 pages a day of her "big book."  I loved that tip.  
HELP!  How do you manage to make time to settle in with hard copies and eBooks?  

Fiona Davis has another winner with The Stolen Queen.  If you have any interest in historical, Egyptian or women's history, this is the book for you!  Davis nailed it with perfect pace, likable characters and a fantastic plot.  Highly recommend!   ****

Jan and Dan at the End of the World is the second book I've read by Colleen Oakley.  I gave it only three stars because of her comments about Christianity at the beginning of the book - totally unnecessary.  ***

FINDING JOY - LeeAnna's I Like on Thursdays at Not Afraid of Color helps me consistently find the joy in every life.  She also provides a prompt for us to use.  
This week's prompt is:  In honor of St Patrick's day, what is your favorite shade of green? Do you have any clothes in that color? Accents for the home like pillows, duvets, etc? You know, I never really liked green until recently.  I love emerald green, but am starting to like bright green as well.  Mama has influenced me as green is her favorite color.  She gets so happy when I wear green, that now I am purposely wearing green blouses.  My accents for the home are this St. Patrick's Day table topper and these mug rugs.  My daughter quilted the topper and we both made the mug rugs.  


My ten-year-old grandson made dinner for us.  He researched the Poppers recipe and, except for my help in removing the seeds, he did the rest by himself.  He designed our cheese, tomato and cilantro appetizers.  He's becoming quite the chef! 
I saw this sign at one of my locally owned favorite tea shop, Old Barrel Tea Company and thought it might encourage someone.   

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I'll be linking up to 
Carol's To Do Tuesday posts at Quilt Schmilt
LeeAnna's I Like on Thursdays at Not Afraid of Color
Alicia's Rainbow Scrap Challenge at So Scrappy

1 comment:

  1. I love your baby quilts. I'm planning an appliqué one now that highlights ocean creatures. I loved The Body Keeps the Score and hope you do too!
