Sunday, March 2, 2025

March 2: Psalm 42:11, Fun Fiber Projects, Literary Life and Finding Joy


Hello There,
Thank you so much for popping in this week, especially as I am posting quite late.  My questionable friend, fibromyalgia decided to pay me a visit these last 10 days, so life has been...quiet.  While resting with a heating pad on my back, I accomplished quite a bit of slow stitching, though!  
Thursday and Friday were strict resting days as we had a long awaited date night on Friday to dine at a fancy restaurant and see the musical "Pretty Woman".  It was a wonderful way to celebrate our 44th anniversary.  
UPDATE:  I changed the size of my pictures, but perhaps they are too small?  I enlarged them back to "normal".
Well, please sit back and enjoy this post with your favorite beverage! 

HERE'S A WORD - Faith...broken faith...faltering faith.  Here I will share a Scripture about these topics.  No judgement, only love.  
I have read the above Psalm so many times, yet never really saw or focused on one word:  why.  I simply trusted Romans 8:28.  Has this been your experience also?  

After David asks why, he moves quickly onto action:  putting his hope in God and praising Him.
Many of his psalms begin describing struggles and end with Him exhorting himself to trust and praise God.  This cycle leads me to believe it was a constant journey for David - as it can be with us.  

As I inferred last weekwhen our faith is fragile, God is with us  quietly restoring our souls.  He stays by our side, though we may push Him away.  

Through the years, I have witnessed my friend's consistent faith despite great losses in her life.  Her transparency and faith have inspired me to stop struggling against God, and, instead to struggle to understand, to have faith, to trust.  

It's an uncomfortable, cyclitic process - this process to consistent faith.  What is the answer to the question:  Why?  Perhaps it is this:  Via our own transparency, we will open the doors of understanding and love to minister to those who are privately struggling as well.   


I decided to make the most of my resting and make progress on my Book Blanket.  This is quite an adventure in learning about color.  My squares are 8" and the goal is to have a queen size afghan at the end of the year!   

I also spent stitching up my new yarn from Apricot Yarns to create a crocheted version of the beautiful knit rebozo  I saw there.  Thus far it's 40" X 21" and I'm about 2/3 done.  It's more purplish than the photo is showing.  I'll be looking for a brooch to wear it with so it can be styled.  
Hand Embroidery/Cross Stitch:  
This week I finished all the yellow stitching for Joy to the World! Next step will be the orange hearts and the greenery. I’ve decided to stitch the greenery in variegated green.

About a month ago, I picked up this embroidery stand at Joanne’s. I wanted to use it before sharing to see if I rarely liked it. It is fabulous. I enjoy the ability to adjust it to various positions and heights for easy stitching. Using a coupon, I got it for only $17.00. Worth every penny.  With store closings, you might even get it at a better price.

English Paper Piecing:
This month Alicia as So Scrappy has picked yellow for the for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge!  I so love yellow!  Here are some of my hearts for the Connecting Hearts SAL!  
Quilting:  Due to my health issues, nothing was accomplished on the machine sewing front.  Perhaps this week?  

I finally finished a book!  Yarros' The Things We Leave Unfinished was a four star read for me.  I enjoyed the plot - understanding our family - and the graceful merging of ideas.  It would have been a five star read except for the detailed, intimate love scenes. Recommend.

FINDING JOY - LeeAnna's I Like on Thursdays at Not Afraid of Color helps me consistently find the joy in every life.  
The prompt was:  Do you compliment your mate/partner and does he compliment you?  We've just celebrated 44 years of marriage!  I think I compliment him more than he complements me as he is the quiet one, while I am talkative.  What kind of compliment feels best to you, and to him?  I much appreciate his compliments about my appearance and/or actions much more than my cooking.  I'm not sure what kind of compliments feel best to him, but I love the quiet smile he gives me when I do show appreciation and delight with him.    

My sister introduced us to this sauce which is delicious on just about everything - and I'm not even a bit Balsamic person!  

My youngest grandsons got a kick out of this spice and just had to send a picture of it to their mama.

This one made me giggle.  

I hope you all had a beautiful month of February.
A friend sent me this.  

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  1. I love Psalms 42:11! We've been using Slap Ya Momma for years and love it.

  2. Happy 44th anniversary! When I first read about your embroidery stand, with the exclamation point I thought it said $117 and worth every penny - lol! I need to get myself to Joann's before they run out of everything. I'm going to miss them. I couldn't make the photo larger to see what kind of Balsamic sauce it is that you are liking.
