Saturday, August 28, 2021

Choose This Day, Reading, Stitching and Gratitude


Hello There!
I'm so glad you're here!  In The Weekly Word we will look at who we choose to serve - our present and future or the demons of our past.  In My Reading Life , I've actually finished several books and starting some great new ones!  I'm changing a bit about My Stash Report as I've started a new project that merits changes!  I'm glad to check off items from To Do Tuesday!  You know, Kathy's Sunday Slow Stitching link up fuels my love for Sunday Slow Stitching!  
What would we do without finding a bit of joy and gratitude?  I hope you enjoy this week's Gratitude Journal After I respond to your comments, I look forward to visiting your blogs as well! 

The Weekly Word
Joshua 24:14 has so much wisdom to offer us!  As I re-read it, this first part stuck to me:  choose this day who you will serve.  
In this instance, I chose to look at Joshua 24:13a as this:  Who will I serve? the demons of my past or the God of my present and future?  

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Foreigners, Reading, Stitching and Gratitude

Hello There!
I'm so glad you're here!  In The Weekly Word we will look at what the Bible says about foreigners.  In the Reading Life  section I'm excited to share some great books.  My Stash Report remains, but I am sewing again!  I met some of my To Do Tuesday goals and am making progress on my Sunday Slow Stitching mittens.  My Gratitude Journal continues to ground me in gratefulness and the art of seeking joy in everyday events.   I hope you enjoy your visit!  After I respond to your comments, I look forward to visiting your blogs as well! 

The Weekly Word

I wrote about a book, Barrio America by A. K. Sandoval-Strausz here, but wanted to share a Scripture he shared as a beginning quote that has inspired this post. 

As a Latina, as a woman, as a person, I have been shocked, hurt and angered by the intolerant, racists comments I've heard on the news spoken by our leaders, heard in my community, even spoken by my neighbors and friends.  What is so sad is that most of these people are even unaware of their biases!  This post may anger some of you, but that's ok because I've listened to so many speak their truth, now it's time to speak mine.
Some foreigners, refugees are hurting people who are fleeing their countries seeking safety, shelter and a future for themselves and their children.  Or perhaps they have all these things.  Perhaps there basic needs are met and they are simply seeking a new, improved life for their families.  Whatever the reason, they are to be treated with Christ's love.  In face, Jesus was a refugee!  

People who look different from us are not weaker. Nor should we lump them into one characteristic. We are all created in God's image, so when we make racists comments, what are we saying about God himself? When we refuse to show love and kindness to foreigners, refugees and those who look different from us, what are we saying about God Himself ?

When I read Leviticus 34:19 I was pleasantly surprised that God Himself would address this topic.  Then I realized there are many verses welcoming immigrants, refugees with the love of Christ (If you're interested, explore this page, or here).  
As I explored sources for this post, this post from Natalie Regoli at Connect Us stood out.  In fact, I wrote many drafts for this post, but Regoli's article is very well written, explaining my heart completely.  
Though this post may not be as eloquent or fully explain my heart, I do pray we, as foreigners on this earth learn to treat foreigners, refugees and those who look different from us, with compassion and grace - much like the grace our Father has shown us.  
Will we be His army?

Reading Life

As  you can see from the list at the end of my posts, I link up to several reading linky parties!  
You can click on the books' images to be directed to a review page on  Goodreads.  :)
Currently Reading
With all the changes in life these days, my granddaughter and I have skipped a week/two of our book club.  However, we were able to meet yesterday and had a blast playing "Guess the Capitals of the States" game as well as discussing our book, Island of the Blue Dolphins!  
The Midnight Library came in from my own library, so that one has priority to finish as there are others requesting it.  The Invisible Husband of Frick Island has been such an entertaining read for my Buddy Read!  I picked up another audio book from Libby, Whose Names Are Unknown and am already pulled into the story.  
It was nice to switch to a lighter read this week!  Alice's attitude about living adventures rather than simply reading about them was refreshing.  I enjoyed reading about her growth as a person, Lillie's guidance and wisdom were a fabulous addition to the book.  A definite four star read!
Next few books 
I am slowly working my way alphabetically through my TBR list at Goodreads  by finding audiobooks available on Libby.  With my trips to see Mama and Daddy, this is a great opportunity to read.  😉 We Hope For Better Things is one of those golden finds!  

My Stash Report

 is a Sunday Stash link up at Quilt, Paint and Create where we share our stats regarding our fiber usage and acquisitions. The Slow Stitching Sunday link up is a place where we share our hand sewing projects.  I find I need some slow stitching  every day!  
Yarny numbers
 No real changes here -
or here.....
Productivity Stats
I've almost finished my second set of mittens!  
The final Qube Crush blocks are finished! 

To Do Tuesday

 is a link up party in which we cheer each other on as we share the progress/lack thereof regarding our weekly goals!  Thank you Chris @ Chris Knits for hosting!  
Last Week's List
-  Sunday Slow Stitching:  Finish the mittens.   Almost there!  Perhaps by next week!
-  Crochet:  Progress on my afghan/s and dishcloths. Goal completed!
-  Machine Sewing:  Prep for Melva's Pieces of the Past Sewalong. Barely finished in time for this post! 
This Week's List
- For my Sunday Slow Stitching I'm hoping to finish my mitten set!  
-   Crochet:  This will be my long-term goal:  Progress on my afghan/s and dishcloths. 
- Machine Sewing:  Stitch up and link Melva's Pieces of the Past Sewalong
Except for Melva's Sew-a-Long and the final mitten set, I'm considering putting all my other projects on hold to begin focusing on Christmas sewing and crocheting.  Hopefully, that will stay the December sewing crunch!  🎄

My Gratitude Journal

I've always loved this corner art in my neighborhood.
This same person made good use of these beautiful bottles.
I wonder where they came from?
Our recent rains have lead to many beautiful blooms in our neighborhood!
I love this cute little burro that was by the register at a restaurant!
Poor Mia!  It's late afternoon and she's worried
about my husband as he's not home. 
She doesn't understand that he's working night shift tonight.....  

I hope you all have a blessed week!  Until next time, take good care!

Perhaps you'll visit these linky parties I sometimes link up to when I have quilting/crochet/books to share:  

The Loop Scoop hosted simultaneously by
Petals to Picots and Moogly

Enjoyed this post? 
Never miss out on future posts by following this blog!

Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

God's Protection, Reading, Stitching and Gratitude

Hello There!
I'm so grateful you stopped in for our weekly visit!  Life here in New Mexico is in full transition and my heart is a bit flustered, but tonight, as I wrote about God's constant presence in our lives peace engulfed me.  A Reading Life section includes some great books I've finished as well as my current and future reads.  The Stash Report is is a link up party I joined to share my productivity numbers, fabric/yarn that comes in or goes out as well as new projects such as a new BOM I joined this month!  In To Do Tuesday you'll see the advancement on my Slow Stitching projects which include three crocheted afghans and a wool mitten Christmas tree decoration set.   My Gratitude Journal keeps me grounded.  I hope you enjoy your visit!  After I respond to your comments, I look forward to visiting your blogs as well! 


God always provides - always.  Tonight, as I post this blog post late, He provided this song.  Oh my dear reader, how true it is.  He provides...He provides....
We can worry, we can freak out, but it won't help at all.  

Sunday, August 8, 2021

God's Protection, Reading, Stitching and Gratitude

Hello There!

Welcome!  Thank you for stopping by!  In this week's post I'll be sharing from Psalm 104 as well as some of the books I've read, am reading and plan to read, a new slow stitching project and weekly gratitude journal!    I hope you enjoy your stay with me!  


After several years of intending to read it, I just picked up The One Year Book of Hymns and was so blessed by this morning's reading (8/5)!  Mary Artemisia Lathbury wrote the first two stanzas as she watched the sun set.  

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Survivors' Guilt Part Four, Reading, Stitching and Gratitude

Hello There!

Welcome!  Thank you for stopping by!  In this week's post I've written the fourth and final part of our our Survivor's Guilt Series which will give us a list of tools to continue living guilt free (or close to it), sharing some books I'm reading (one of which I chose not to finish) as well as those in the wings, my still fluid crafty life, stats on my fiber usage (warning!  picture heavy!) and my weekly gratitude journal.  So let's catch up, shall we?


Survivors' Guilt Part 4
Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
This series has been so helpful to me as I've gone through the process of publishing it here.  I'm certain I will be re-reading to battle this thought pattern.  

This series along with the tools recommended by the Parkview Health post will surely help us to move forward with grace, strength and courage.  

I already use a weekly gratitude journal thanks to LeeAnn's I Like link up every Thursday!  This practice indeed helps me to keep my eyes open for the blessings God provides!  There are many methods to create a Gratitude Journal.  They range from writing blessings in notebook, to a daily photo diary, to creating a gratitude bulletin board, to using apps.  I know some people who have accountability partners and they text each other a set number of "gratitude blessings" each day.  Here's a link that may inspire you!   

Prayer is certainly powerful!  As I'm reading The Power of Praying Through Fear by Stormie O'Martian, I'm realizing just how special I am, how strong I am and how moving forward with God as my anchor is vital for myself and even my loved ones!

COVID has certainly limited my chance to talk to other survivors, but I do talk things over with my inner circle and reach out to my cancer support group leader as well.  These gentle and wise people are my angels.  Perhaps you have a trusted person you can call on to simply listen to you without trying to "fix" you?

Oh my goodness!  Creating a space to work through my feelings is more difficult as that can be so ambiguous.  However, this blog, your responses and digging deep have been my space so to speak.  It doesn't have to be a blog can be journal, the outdoors or simply sitting quietly and sifting through, naming and accepting your feelings!  Once you can recognize and accept your feelings, you can decide how you choose to deal with them.  

Long time readers know that I crochet prayer shawls to donate to recently diagnosed cancer patients.  This helps me to honor those who are currently fighting the battle or have died yet touched my life immensely.  When I shared my feelings of survivors' guilt, these wonderful people chorused, "No!  Please don't feel guilty!  Live your life to the fullest!"   That is their plea.  So I do, I try to honor their wishes.  

Even as my daddy battles metastatic, surgery resistant prostate cancer, even as he grows weaker, he still tells me, "Make memories."  So I do, sweet, Daddy, I do.

You can click on the books' images to be directed to a review page on  Goodreads.  :)
Currently Reading

This second installment to The Giver Series is another win from our local library and my bookshelves.  Lowry provides fabulous clues in this YA novel that I could predict what was happening, but the way she presented her work kept me engaged.  I couldn't read the last few chapters fast enough and, yes, I cried afterwards. This is one series that will survive "The Great Purging" of my bookshelves.  
Mary Alice and I were so glad we added this to our Book Club reads this month!  It's the first in Angela Hunt's series, The Silent Years that addresses the years between Malachi and Matthew with a focus on female protaganists.  This is another one that will survive The Great Purging.  
Did Not Finish
For my reading purposes, I just couldn't get through it.
However, Barrio America provides substantial, vital information
for academics 
researching the Latino influence 
on the resurgence on dying cities in the United States.   

Next few books  

Yarny numbers
I finished a few more dishcloths.  I give these to my various doctor's and staff.  I used to give them to the members of the various groups I used to attend, but they are pretty much non-existent for now.  

Fabric numbers
No finished projects yet, so no fabric out.  I seem to be on a reading binge, while my machine sewing mojo has gone on vacation.  
However, I did attend Be Sew Creative's Luau yesterday and took advantage of their 40% off "blenders" sale!  I wisely took a pre-shopping photo of my "blenders" shelf to fill in the holes in my color rainbow.  
Fourteen yards  and a cute panel later 
they are filled up at a great savings 
(my dark browns and blacks are on another shelf)
and I'm still a tiny bit in the black.  
Did you notice that huge chunk of brown I bought?
I thought it went perfectly with these fabrics (see below) from my stash!

Productivity Stats
In addition to our Book Club for 2 meeting, my granddaughter and I have added some sewing time as well! Hence, I had more time to get the entire set finished! 


Last Week's List
1. Follow the crafty call on my heart be it crochet, Slow Stitching or machine sewing. 😊
As you saw above, I finished my first set of wool mittens!  I also made more progress on my Tranquil quilts and then....I read and read some more.      
This Week's List
  1.  Cut out the pieces for this second mitten set.  

2.  Make progress on the three afghans.  
3.  Try to sew something - anything.  Find my sewing mojo again.  How do you find your lost sewing mojo?  What do you do to lure your sewing mojo back?  Please share in the comments section!  

I hope you enjoy this week's Gratitude Journey!
First, the song that blessed me this week!  My son just sent it to me this morning.
Absolutely beautiful!
Lately, as family shares the headlines with me, it's more and more difficult to be positive or grateful  and I'm usually a pretty upbeat person!  
But, this morning, sitting on my porch, listening to the birds sing, I listened to the above song and realized Jesus is all around me.  Look how blessed I am with my beautiful yard!  

Now, after everyone has gone on their way and my surroundings are peaceful, I can hear the rain gently falling as the birds sing as if praising God.  So peaceful and healing.  
Marley on the job,

and Marley resting after a hard day's work.

I pray you all have a blessed week!
Please remember to share your
"catching my sewing mojo" tips 
in the comments below!
I could certainly use them!

Perhaps you'll visit these linky parties I sometimes link up to when I have quilting/crochet/books to share:  

Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication (Wednesdays)

The Loop Scoop hosted simultaneously by
Petals to Picots and Moogly

Needle and Thread Thurday @ 

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict (Friday)

Enjoyed this post? 
Never miss out on future posts by following this blog!

Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

I read on Kathy's post that Google may be doing away with feedburner as an email subscription service.  She switched to and I've decided to do the same.  

Should you like to subscribe, you can do so by clicking here, on the right sidebar or at the link at the bottom of each post.

You may want to keep a list of the blogs you enjoy reading just in case they drop off your inbox!  I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you!  Surely we can thrive through this latest change to our blogging world. 

I'll be adding this note to my posts for a few weeks to attempt to catch all my visitors.