Saturday, May 27, 2023

Weekly Word - Romans 5:3-5, My Reading Life, To Do Tuesday, Gratitude Journal

May we always remember

Hello Everyone!
It's been a fantastic sewing week!  I've finished a bunch of projects and continue to work on more.  The Road Trip quilt has been a challenge, one that I would probably stack in the UFO pile, but I'm glad I'm sticking with it!  
I finished two great books and am eager to continue with my current reads.
Summer temps are rising, but that didn't stop my husband and I from enjoying a pleasant morning on our back patio.  
I hope you had a great week and enjoy this post!  

Here's is an index should you have a special interest you like to read first!


The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series.  
My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review.      
Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, Slow Sunday Stitching projects, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects. 
Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking.  This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings! 
Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer -    Here you will find updates on life after Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  I was diagnosed in November of 2014 and my last day of treatment was in November 2015. 

The Weekly Word

My devotional times has changed over the many years I have been serving Christ.  It has varied from a quick reading to spending hours a day in Bible Study.  Lately, the time I spend with God is unlike any other phase in life; it's throughout the day.  I listen to His Word, read His Word, read books about His Word and sometimes we converse throughout the day.  Sort of like the song, "and He walks with me and He talks with me and I know that I am His own".  
We, you and I, are indeed His own.
My heart hungers for others to know the healing and peace that comes from a relationship with God.  Many, too many, people do not experience this source of comfort and strength for a wide variety of reasons.  One of the most common I hear is "If there is a God why does He allow such and such to happen?"   
I get it.
I've asked this question many times - of others and of God Himself.
As I've searched His Word, His heart and my own, my faith has only grown.
As my faith has grown, I've not needed to know the answers to this question, only to know that God's heart breaks as He sees the destructive choices man makes.
Yes, I've been hurt - and, sadly, I've hurt others.
Yes, I've been sick - and seen others struggle with their health.
Yes, yes, yes.
However, through this hard times I've had to the choice, as one pastor said, to become bitter or better.  
For years I chose the former.
Now I choose the latter.

I choose hope through my sufferings and victories.
I choose hope through my tears and my laughter.
I choose hope through all circumstances.  
Will you give hope a chance, will you give God a chance and develop a relationship with Him, giving Him your tears, your anger, your hurt and ultimately your love and trust?  
It's a challenge to do so.  
I choose you hope that you will, my dear reader.  
You won't regret it.  
The path is not easy, but the growth and healing that come are delightful.  

My Reading Life

I decided to have a look at my progress for my  Reading Challenges for 2023 and was pleasantly surprised to find I'm one book away from meeting my Non-Fiction Challenge and am three books away from completing the Alphabet Soup Challenge!  Yea!

I was pleasantly surprised to find that I've met my COYER Challenge already.  Having my page turning settings on "continuous scrolling" makes for a smoother reading experience.  

Currently Reading


Finished Reading

***** Quiet Strength:  The Principles, Practices and Priorities of a Winning Life by Tony Dungy was a life changing book for me.  He repeated various slogans that became a part of my life such as, "Just do what you do - only better" and "No excuses, no explanations".  Throughout the book Mr. Dungy writes about God's perfect timing.  This has stuck with me.  Highly recommend.  
***** Open Season (Joe Pickett, #1) by C.J. Box drew me in from the beginning.  It's not the typical type of book I read, but a friend recommended the author and I needed a book that starts with "O" for my Alphabet Reading Challenge, so I gave it a shot.  The story line was well developed, I fell in love with Joe's family and was glad to see how it ended.  Box also introduces the topic of the effects, both positive and negative, of protecting endangered species, thus giving this reader food for thought.  Highly recommend.

Slow Read

Stash Report

There's no change in my yarn stash which is good because no yarn came in this week!

Fabric Numbers
I finished binding Pieces in the Garden from Melva Loves Scraps (see below)!  I only have four more quilts to bind!  Then I will have an empty shelf, but for how long?  😉
I also finished a One Hour Basket and a little table runner for Mama!  They are all shown below in To Do Tuesday.  It was a fun sewing week!
Thus far, my new crafty schedule is working out very well, especially when I don't have too many errands.  I've avoided turning current, more challenging projects into UFOs,  by repeating mynew slogan:  "Say No To UFOs".  or me, UFOs take up too much physical and head space.  So, I plug away and enjoy the "high" of completion!  

To Do Tuesday

Last Week's List
1.  Slow Stitching
Binding - I have four quilts in the queue to bind.  I'm currently stitching my Pieces in the Garden from Melva Loves Scraps QAL in the evenings and weekends. Done!  Tada!  My husband and I spent a lovely Friday morning  on our back patio conversing while I stitched on Pieces in the Garden.  Quite appropriate!     


- Bee Humble - Complete the hand embroidery of Section Five Not done.  I've made some progress and am beginning to enjoy the process again.  I ran into a snag and am so grateful Marsha, the owner of Be Sew Creative, my LQS helped me and I'm off and running stitching!  

2.  Crochet
Fall Granny Square Afghan:  continue making another 16 patch row.   Done!  I've finished stitching up the green yarn into granny squares and began the variegated yarn squares.  
3.  Machine Sewing
A Road Trip Quilt:  Finish Section 4 which is 7 steps and part of Section 5 (steps 28-39) Done and surpassed!  I finished sections 4 & 5 completely!    
One Gift a Month Challenge (Day's Filled with Joy):  I'd been meaning to join this challenge, but kept forgetting.  I'm going to prep the fabric basket (January's gift) by Ayumi at Pink Penguin and some soup bowl cozies (May's gift). Joy at Days Filled with Joy gives several options to make these.  Done!  Not only did I prep the fabric basket, but I made it!  It will be a give! 😉  Seriously, though, I wanted to make the practice one for myself.  I ended up using this tutorial and it really was an hour project from start to finish! 
The bowl cozies are prepped and ready for next week.  
I started and finished a squirrel, this mini table runner for Mama.  

4.  Machine Embroidery 
- Prep kits to make some Christmas mug rugs Not done.  I'm not sure about this goal...will have to ponder it for a bit.  
- Pick another UFO to finish Done!  I finished this cute little Kimberbell tea towel!  I really enjoyed their finishing technique!  


 This Week's List   
1.  Slow Stitching
Binding - I'm now binding this Christmas tumbler quilt.  My grandkids, daughter and granddog came over for a visit, so I only got the label stitched on.  :)
At first the dogs were friends...

until they weren't!

- Bee Humble - Make progress on the hand embroidery of Section Five   
2.  Crochet
Fall Granny Square Afghan:  continue making another 16 patch row by making the 16 variegated squares and then moving onto the gold squares.   
3.  Machine Sewing
A Road Trip QuiltGet this baby put together and borders on!  Maybe even make the backing and the binding!  My daughter will be quilting it for me.  
One Gift a Month Challenge (Day's Filled with Joy):  Stitch up the bowl cozies (May's gift) from  one of the several options Joy at Days Filled with Joy offered!  
4.  Machine Embroidery 
- Prep kits to make some Christmas gifts   
- Pick another UFO to finish 
To combine these two goals, I believe I just may kit these mug rugs.  There are not technically a UFO, but I've been wanting to make them for literally years.  The poinsettia ones are calling my name.  We'll see....

Gratitude Journal

the song

For those of us who find ourselves doing things in our own strength rather than leaning on our Father, here you will find the story behind the song along with a pertinent list of verses for further study.    

LeeAnna at Not Afraid of color hosts an "I Like" link up every Thursday.  She provides her "regulars" with a prompt, and here's this week's prompt:  What is your favorite flavor of ice cream at the moment?  I'm a big fan of Bryer's Cookies and Creme and Homemade Vanilla ice creams. Thirty-One Flavors has the best mint chocolate chip ice cream.  However, I also enjoy fresas con crema (strawberries and cream) layered with pecans from The Paleta Bar!  Here is a recipe if you'd like to try them!
Do you have more than one favorite?  Oh yes!  See above - and I'm sure I left a few out!  :)
Soft serve or dipped? Either way works for me!
Do you buy it in the huge box or a pint at a time?  We usually buy a half gallon at a time.  

This Week's Moments of Gratitude
1.  When Marsha, the owner of my LQS, took time out of her busy day to help me with a project.
2.  I so enjoyed my evening walk with my husband!
3.  Tonight's (Saturday) impromptu visit with my grandchildren.

Chico say's, "Hello!"  
Kitty says, "No photo ops this week!"  :)

Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

I've shared quite a bit about my own journey with cancer these last few weeks.  I would love to hear your stories as well!  Please share in the comments or email me at miaismine22 at  Take good care!

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I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

Here are some blogs I sometimes link up to!


  1. My goodness you are a busy lady! I find it difficult to handle reading/listening to more than 2 books at once. You have a lovely spot to sit and stitch. Have a wonderful week.

  2. That back patio looks like a great place to hang out!

    Your graphic for your Reading Challenges for 2023 is lovely. And look how well you are doing on your challenges.

    Say hi to Chico from all of us, and maybe Kitty will be a little more social next week.

  3. It looks as if you have a lovely sunny day to look out on as you happily stitch away. I love this beautiful hymn; it has always been a favourite of mine.

  4. You are doing great with your goals!! I think I am doing okay with mine as well, although I did not make as many this year as previous years. I hope you have a wonderful week! (stop by my blog and see the two crochet magazines I splurged on this week!)

  5. Hope you are enjoying the Ellery Adams book, I really enjoyed it. Love the table runner, very pretty. Nice to have quiet morning sewing on binding - relaxing I am sure.

  6. Hope you enjoy your books. I've heard of the mysteries on your list, but I haven't read them.

  7. Congratulations on your reading challenge achievements, feel free to create a new Nonfiction Reader goal!

    Wishing you a wonderful reading week

  8. Joe Pickett books by C J Box are great stories, I have read most of them.

  9. I have not read the Joe Pickett series, but have read another one of his and enjoy it very much. You are doing great on your challenges as well as on your projects. Thank you for sharing your faith journey. God is good all the time!

  10. Wow you are so busy. Love the road trip quilt progress

  11. Pieces in the Garden is lovely! I love the sweet colors on that white background. Sounds like you're on a finishing roll!

  12. What a great read for me this Sunday morning! I so enjoyed hearing all you have been up to and your thoughts as well. You have shared so much wonderful information. Thanks for listing the books...I've read The Silent Treatment and thought it interesting. Pieces in the Garden is beautiful and I love that photo of stitching outside. You are being very productive that's for sure. Take care and happy stitching from me.

  13. I love seeing your Pieces in the Garden become a finish. It's always fun to visit and see if your new schedule is working and it obviously is. Well done! This was another incredible post full of inspiration and suggestions. Thank you for sharing and for linking with To Do Tuesday.
