Hello There,
Thank you for stopping by! Just an FYI, the following few paragraphs are real life and not very encouraging....the last few weeks have been rough. Feel free to skip to the index below. 😊
I sure missed posting last week, but health kept my goals at bay. Arthritic pain in my knees has affected my gait, thus affecting my back. Anti-inflammatories are no longer an option as they have torn up my tummy - more pain. Thus, the fibromyalgia symptoms are in full bloom. A partial knee replacement is in my near future as well as appointments with my oncologist and PCP.
Getting old has it's price. Surviving cancer also has it's price. Sometimes I feel like I'm existing and not really living.
Cancer survivors, how do you deal with the long-term affects of chemotherapy - especially if you had what is commonly referred to as "The Red Devil"? Apparently this medication inflames fibromyalgia?
Full disclosure: I have been very discouraged and sad. Being a spoonie is hard. We look healthy, but live with chronic, debilitating conditions. I try to stay positive and upbeat, but it's so very challenging.
Take care everyone! See you next week!
Here's is an index should you have a special interest you like to read first!
The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series. My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review. Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects. Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking. This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings!
The Weekly Word
Isn't Psalm 21 beutiful? Here's verses 1-7:
1The king rejoices in your strength, Lord.
How great is his joy in the victories you give!
2You have granted him his heart’s desire
and have not withheld the request of his lips.
3You came to greet him with rich blessings
and placed a crown of pure gold on his head.
4He asked you for life, and you gave it to him—
length of days, for ever and ever.
5Through the victories you gave, his glory is great;
you have bestowed on him splendor and majesty.
6Surely you have granted him unending blessings
and made him glad with the joy of your presence.
7For the king trusts in the Lord;
through the unfailing love of the Most High
he will not be shaken.
Psalm 21:1-7
As I was reading it, the word "for" in verse 7 caused me to pause. I knew David was was using it to mean "because". The LORD has taken all these marvelous actions on David's behalf because...well why?
"For the king trusts in the LORD; though the unfailing love of the Most High, he (David) will not be shaken.
David will not be shaken because he trust in the LORD. Also, God's unfailing love keeps him firm - keeps him from being shaken by life's curve balls.
As I pondered this verse, Psalm 46:5 came to mind also. Though it is referencing Israel, I believe we can take comfort in it for ourselves.
Though it may take years, even generations for us to see the results of our trust in the LORD, we must remember, God is faithful and cannot lie!
Yes, we grieve. Yes, we hurt. As we go through the emotions that challenges can bring, we can also stand firm - refusing to be shaken - because we trust in the LORD and His unfailing love.
Can I get an amen?
My Reading Life
Currently Reading

A Stitch in Crime is book four in Betty Hetchman's Crochet Mystery Series. This read was delightfully light and fun. Molly Pink is forever finding mysteries to solve and her sidekick, the outrageous Adele, keeps me simultaneously smiling and rolling my eyes.
The Paris Library by Janet Skeslien Charles can only cause use to appreciate the strong, resilient people of WWII. Skelien captured the challenges, pain and triumphs of the lives these precious librarians, their love of books and their devotion to their subscribers. Not only that, but my appreciation for librarians was deepened even more. For those librarians reading this, many of your own have been precious sunbeams throughout my life. There is a special place in Heaven for you all.

I'd Rather Be Reading, The Delights and Delimmas of the Reading Life by Anne Bogel was just the book I needed to lift my spirit!
Anne writes about her reading heart - and perhaps ours as well. A delightful read about one of my favorite subjects: books about books. Anne Bogel expressed a my reader's heart to a "T"! Highly recommend this book if you are in a reading slump, need a bit of a lift or are simply looking for that sometimes evasive "good book"!
Stash Report
We have changes in the yarn numbers!
I finally finished my Granddaughter's 12 point star afghan! (See below). I also finished a couple of dishcloths which were prizes for a game during my Golden Girls gathering. :)
My fabric numbers haven't changed at all. :)
1. Sunday Slow Stitching:
- Stitch up one hexie a day.
- Make progress on my embroidered tea towel! Done! Finished stitching with green and moving onto yellow!
2. Crochet: Finish up my granddaughter's afghan. Done! Here it is!
This is her afghan spread out on my queen size bed.
Here is it in all it's glory!
3. Machine Sewing: Finish the
Farmhouse On Point Four Patch Quilt by Amy at Diary of a Quilter and maybe even a matching pillow!
This one is 3/4 done. As I shared early, Pain has decided to visit me these past two weeks, so some tasks are delayed.- I also plan to participate in Melva's new SAL,
Pieces in the Garden. I love her SALs as they are seemingly complicated blocks made sew easy with her fabulous tutorials!
Done! Fabrics are chosen and I'm now practicing my scant 1/4" seam. Any tips you can offer would be greatly appreciated!4. Christmas Sewing List:
my flannel quilt +made a bonus baby quilt
Next up: Holiday mug rugs not even touched either
Perhaps this week?- my four grandchildren's next softies
- two Christmas quilts for my own home (Can you believe I haven't made me even one?!) 😲
- a Christmas table topper
This Week's List
Sunday Slow Stitching:
- Stitch up one hexie a day.
- Make progress on my embroidered tea towel!
Finish stitching with yellow.
2. Crochet: I've started another 12 point star afghan! This one will be for a baby. I'm planning to use three skeins, so I'm hoping to finish one skein a week.
Here's a link to the pattern. I've modified it by stitching in the back loop at regular intervals.
3. Machine Sewing: Practice the scant 1/4" seam and piece Row 1 of Melva's SAL, Pieces in the Garden. 4. Christmas Sewing List:
my flannel quilt +made a bonus baby quilt
Next up: Holiday mug rugs not even touched either
- my four grandchildren's next softies
- two Christmas quilts for my own home (Can you believe I haven't made me even one?!) 😲
- a Christmas table topper
Gratitude Journal
These last two weeks, I've been struggling to find a grateful heart. Does that happen to you sometimes? However, my family always comes through.
Our local library is providing craft kits for kiddos. I had two days to play with my grandbabies.
We made snowmen while reading Snowmen at Night.
Check out my granddaughter's nail polish!
I was able to enjoy 6 hours with my Golden Girls - a group of current and retired teachers I used to work with. The following are quotes on our hostess' fridge that I call "wisdom from the fridge".
I so grateful Mama and Daddy are enjoying beach life!
I love that I have time for Bible study in my new "cloffice" - an office in a closet. More pics of this transformation to come later. My dear hubby took me on a Sunday cruise today. We went to Mesilla Book Center and I picked up this oh-so-important non-fiction book!
We ended our cruise at a local pizza joint - and yes - I resisted tasting his pizza - but just barely! :)
Kitty has been patiently trying to get Mia to snuggle and share her warm little body. This was two weeks ago....
and this was a few nights ago...Success!
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Here are some blogs I sometimes link up to!
A Spirit of Simplicity
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict (Friday)