Thursday, December 9, 2021

Weekly Word: Love and Forgiveness, Reading, Stitching and Gratitude

Hello There, 
This week has flown by with a bit of Christmas shopping, sewing and reading!  I hope you enjoy reading the last of our Stayed On Him series, a new Zoom book discussion I joined, how I'm still a tad bit in the negative with my stash, the cute little softies I'm making for my grandbabies and my digital gratitude journal!  
Time for this week's post.  Here's is an index should you have a special interest you like to read first!  
The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series.  
My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review.      
Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects. 
Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking.  This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings!    

Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

This verse is powerful. 
It can beak chains of unforgiveness. 
I’ll forever be grateful to one sweet lady who shared this verse as part of her Fruit of the Spirit Bible Study.

Please understand, I am when I am talking about forgiveness, I'm referring to those who have widely overstepped boundaries and caused very difficult situations.  The everyday annoyances are simply not what I'm talking about here. 

As I prepared this study I read 1 Peter 4.  Maybe you have time to do so as it's just a few powerful verses.  

When someone sins against us, it can be so tempting to live in our hurt and withhold true forgiveness. This can lead to bitterness, a road that can be avoided with forgiveness.  Naturally we may need time to process our pain, hurt, feelings of betrayal as well allowing time for trust to return.   
 However, let us remember the goal: 
 For love covers over a multitude of sins.

It's imperative to be clear on the definition of forgiveness:  “stop feeling angry or resentful toward (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.”

Oftentimes forgiveness is confused with approval. We say, “It’s ok, I forgive you.” No! No where in the definition does it say we approve of what was done to us?  
When we forgive, we are releasing our anger and resentfulness. That is why it’s said that forgiveness is more benefit for the forgiver than the offender. Whether or not the one who hurt us has apologized, asked for forgiveness and sincerely repented, we can strive to forgive them anyway. 
 For love covers over a multitude of sins.
 Do we allow them back in our lives? 
 Ahhh...yes.  Boundaries and forgiveness.  
This question is much too complicated to answer in this format, but well worth delving into. I personally agree with Maya Angelou: 
But, A Dr. Cloud and Dr. Townsend’s book, Boundaries offers great wisdom, insight and steps to setting boundaries.    

Back to forgiveness.  When my dear friend read, 
“Love covers a multitude of sins”, 
I literally felt the light bulb go off in my spirit and the chains of hurt, anger, bitterness fall off.  They were replaced with the stirrings of love, kindness and goodness for the person who hurt me.  I was then able to begin my path to forgiveness and peace.  

There is so much to be said about forgiveness and boundaries.  This is a much simplified devotional article on my path to peace.  If God is speaking to you through this study, perhaps you will take some time to seek Him out and listen to what He has to say to you about your own situation.  Peace may be but a verse away.  
My Reading Life

As I mentioned last week, I've been exploring Reading Challenges for 2022.  I've created a page for my reading challenges.    If you click on the "Reading Challenges 2022 " tab above or here, you will see a list of the challenges I've joined.  I'm finding that challenges are a phenomenal manner to read consistently.  
I decided to see if anyone is interested in the Life of Reading Challenge.  Having never hosted a challenge or anything else like it, I'm open to suggestions.  Here are more details.  
I also enjoy bookish discussions!      
Meanwhile, here is the current new on My Reading Life!

Currently Reading


I started and finished this book this week!
I enjoyed it very much.
Stash Report

Yarny Numbers
Here we are in the last month of the year and I seriously doubt my yarn numbers will change much.  

Fabric numbers
No fabric has made it through my front door, but a few finishes have gone out!  Yea!
A couple of the gifts are shown below.  Hopefully, I'll finish the year in the black!
To Do Tuesday
Last Week's List
1Sunday Slow Stitching:  Keep up with my daily QAYG Hexagons.  During the week, I usually post a couple of progress photos on my Instagram account.  :) Nope.  I'm about halfway there.  
2.  Slow Sunday Stitching:  Today's goal will be to finish these mittens up. Done!    
3. Crochet: My projects will have to wait a few more weeks.
4.  Machine Sewing:  Prep my catch up blocks for Melva's Santa Fe Trail SAL.  Done!  
5. Gift Sewing:  Secret sewing for Christmas! Finish prepping the Flatty Dogs and stitch up a couple of gifts.  
Halfway finished!  
Half of the prep work is finished for the Flatties.  I've decided to stitch one doggie up before I continue prep.  
I finished this panel apron.  
I made Mama a table topper using Melva Loves Scraps Shoo Fly block pattern for the center and simply added borders, binding and presto!  Thank you, Melva!
When I first started sewing, I purchased a ton of Christmas fabric at JoAnn's and am trying stitch it up so it can be enjoyed.
These oh-so-cute gift bags went up so fast!  

This Week's List

1.  Sunday Slow Stitching:  Keep up with my daily QAYG Hexagons.  Well, this goal might be on hold as Christmas sewing continues....we'll see.  
2.  Machine Sewing:  Stitch up the catch up blocks for one of my Melva's Santa Fe Trail SAL (I'm making two of them in two different colorways).
3.  Stitch up one of the the Flatty Dogs and prep the other half the rest.  
4. Look online for some free, easy, fun Stitch/Quilt A Longs.  Any suggestions you have would be gladly received!  :)
5.  Maybe, just maybe, stitch up  a few gift bags! 

   Gratitude Journal
I am so grateful for my design board!  Right now it looks so messy, as it hold the Flatties, the fabric for the Pieces of the Santa Fe Trail quilt blocks and some inspiration for next year's sewing!
I pin special mementos on one border and bindings on the other.  

Can you believe that I picked up this round three-tiered rolling cart
 for 70% off at Target?
I love how my high priority TBR Library looks!  
My husband suggested I purchase another one -
 he knows me so well! 😉
I went this morning for a second one and,
not surprisingly found out the discount was a mistake.
However, they honored the price,
so I purchased two for less than the price of one.  
I'm indeed grateful for a sweet husband and honest retailers!

Last weekend my husband and I took a day trip to Holloman AFB and into the nearby town of Alamogordo, New Mexico.  
We were stationed there back in the mid 80's.
The above books at the BX caught my eye.  
One of our traditions is Christmas shopping at Heart of the Desert
We usually enjoy browsing their store, but this time was hard
as I wasn't delivering my gifts, but shipping them to San Diego.😔
The thoughtful employees were compassionate. 
Isn't this a lovely bougainvillea?  
It accented their back patio area perfectly!  

We took advantage of the food trucks parked in front.  

Can you guess who ordered the bratwurst and who ordered the gyro sandwich?
I so love this song by Danny Gokey!

Thank God for sweet husbands, crafty spaces, honest retailers, organizational stuff, day trips, making new memories and inspirational music.  I am indeed blessed.  

Perhaps you'll visit these link ups!    

Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict (Friday)

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Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!


  1. Enjoyed your blog today. Holiday shopping and food trucks - what more could you ask?

  2. Great cart! Good progress all around.

  3. Sounds like you are staying busy. Your crafts look lovely.
    I do like the round tiered table and agree it is nice to have a sweet husband!
    I have been eyeing Ink and Shadows as a two for one pick at this month.
    I hope you have a great week and Happy Reading!

  4. My daughter is a big fan of Fiona Davis and loved The Lions of Fifth Avenue. She even got to hear the author speak at the NYPL! What a great deal on the book carts!

  5. Christmas time is such a beautiful time when people do seem more relaxed and show the Love that Jesus meant for us. I know they do other times also, but so nice to see the smiles when out shopping.

  6. I have The Lions of Fifth Avenue in my audio wish list. That's now moved up seeing how much you liked it.

  7. Thank you for suggesting 1 Peter 4. "Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen." Wonderful.

    I bought a three-tiered cart, ostensibly for the library for the naturalist group, but I liked it so much once I got it home that I've been thinking about getting one more. I got mine at the Container Store, and it was not expensive. How lovely that Target was honorable in their dealings with you.

    I'm trying to think carefully about the challenges I want to do this year. I've made a chart in my journal for 2022 reading with various categories. Maybe I could think of them as challenges. Not sure. I'm still working on this.

  8. That food looks yummy! And, that was an awesome deal on those rolling carts. I want a library cart someday, but I'll have to move to a place with more space. I don't have room for it right now.

  9. What a good deal on the rolling carts! Our Target doesn’t seem to stock them.
    I’d like to read both The Lions of Fifth Avenue and The Santa Suit.

    Wishing you a great reading week

  10. Great weekly post! I have The Santa Suit and I'm hoping to read it soon. Have a great week!

  11. Your words remind me that I need to forgive our daughter's soon-to-be ex and simply pray for him, rather than let my anger stew.
    Gosh the food truck yummies look good! I'm guessing your husband ordered the bratwurst?
    Your little mittens are adorable!
    I love three-tiered rolling carts, you got a great deal!
    Thank you for linking to To Do Tuesday. :)

  12. I forgot to say that table topper is beautiful! I love Melva's blocks.

  13. Mama will love your Christmas table topper. You made cute little felt decorations.
    Those cart are a great organization idea.
    Have a blessed week.

  14. I'm glad that you found that verse on forgiveness so personally transformative. So often we think of forgiveness as something you do for the other person, but it's just as much for you as it is for them (if not more).

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  15. Your posts are always so full of good stuff! I enjoyed The Lions of 5th Ave, too. Her books are so interesting! Just picked up The Santa Suit at the library this morning, so looking forward to reading that as well. Your day trip with your husband sounds like it was fun and interesting!

  16. Thank you for visiting my blog. Yes I'm working by hand. Most of us 'Dutchies' are hand quilting.

    Season greetings,
