Sunday, July 25, 2021

Survivors’ Guilt Part Three, Reading, Stitching, and Gratitude

Hello There!

I am grateful you've come for a visit.  I'll be continue our Survivor's Guilt Series inspired by this post at Parkview Health, sharing some books I'm reading, finished and plan to read, and my crafty life which is in a bit of a fluid state at the moment.  At the end of this post, you'll find a pictorial journal of moments that brought me joy and gratitude this week.  Please, grab your favorite drink, settle in and enjoy your visit!   


Survivors' Guilt Part 3
Part 1 Part 2  Part 4
The key to beating back the defeated one's goal of driving us into despair is not only knowing, but pursuing God's will for our life - the work he would have us accomplish for His glory.  Not only that, but we have an obligation to pray for others to find their way as well.  
Looking for a prayer to pray for them?  Try  Colossians 1:9-14.  First pray it for yourself, replacing the word "you" with "me".  The second time you pray it, replace "you" with the name of the person you're praying for.  This verse is a powerful prayer, don't you think?

Sunday, July 18, 2021

Survivors’ Guilt Part Two, Reading, Stitching, and Gratitude

Hello There!

It's nice to be back to blogging again after a week off!  Last time I posted we were talking about Survivor's Guilt, what it is and how to deal with it.  I was sharing what I gleaned form this post at Parkview Health.  We'll continue with the healing process, check in on progress with my last Tuesday To Do list, check out my literary world, and share some moments of gratitude.  Thank you so much for stopping by!  I hope you enjoy your visit!

UPDATE (7:-21-21)

I read on Kathy's post today that Google may be doing away with feedburner as an email subscription service.  She switched to and I've decided to do the same.  

Should you like to subscribe, you can do so by clicking here, on the right sidebar or at the link at the bottom of each post.

You may want to keep a list of the blogs you enjoy reading just in case they drop off your inbox!  I'm sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you!  Surely we can thrive through this latest change to our blogging world. 

I'll be adding this note to my posts for a few weeks to attempt to catch all my visitors.


Survivors' Guilt:  Continuing the Healing Process 

Part 1 Part 3  Part 4


Many years ago I felt almost scolded by God when I first read this verse.  Slowly, a peace beyond understanding entered my being as I realized that God sees the bigger picture.  
When I found Jeremiah 29:11 and connected it to Isaiah 55:8-9, the deal was sealed.  My spiritual growth began and I began to sincerely and fully trust God.  

So, when I found the Parkview Health page, I was reminded of these familiar verses and my journey to trusting God's plan for my life.  It's a plan designed to
1) give me a hope and a future,
2) give me the power and knowledge that when I call on my Daddy, He will listen to me,
3) He will be found by me when I seek Him and
4) He will bring me back from captivity.  
And guess what?  
The same holds true for you!  
I know see Survivors' Guilt for what it is:
a tool the defeated one tried to use to defeat me and stifle the purpose God has for my life.  
I will go forward remembering those who have gone before me and try to live my life in a manner that will honor them, honor God and bring God's joy and encouragement to those around me.   
 Because His joy is our strength.  
Currently Reading

I'm really enjoying this well-written book 
about a shameful part of our nation's history.

My granddaughter finished her other book, so we started our Book Club For 2 last week! I thoroughly enjoyed our discussion!
Though I finished it, I am re-reading it to refresh my memory.  I'm hoping she'll want to read the second book in the series, Zia.

Though I  enjoyed listening to 28 Summers, but I was conflicted as I listened.

Mary Alice and I thoroughly enjoyed Camino Island!  I was wondering what in the world Grisham was doing in the first three chapters, but wow!  It all came together and it was a wild ride!  We've already eagerly begun Camino Winds!  
Next few books 

Yarny numbers
I purchased some more dishcloth yarn.  I'm so excited about the white and red one - the one in a cupcake style skein - as it was on clearance!  

I seem to be more on a crocheting kick right now.  I'll share those projects below.  
Fabric numbers
No changes here.
Productivity Stats
No changes here.  

Last Week's List
1.  Prepped Projects:  Stitch up the last few Qube Crush blocks.  Not yet
2.  Continue to progress on my hexagon afghan. 😄
3.  Stitch up my pile of mending.  😄  One of the projects was a table topper I made in .  It was one of my my first projects and my first oh so humble attempt at  machine quilting.  The hand stitched binding came undone.  I believe the thread I used was of a lower quality, so perhaps that's why it came loose?   this topper.  
4.  Slow Stitching:  Make progress on my deer mitten.  😄
This Week's List
1.  Prepped Projects:  Stitch up the last few Qube Crush blocks and then begin laying out my squares.  I'm not sure how to arrange all 72 a large quilt?  in various sized baby quilts?  a lap quilt and baby quilts?  My daughters suggested this layout. 
2.  Continue to progress on my hexagon afghan.   
3.  Slow Stitching:  Finish my dear mitten as well as frog my Noel mitten to make corrections.   I forgot some embellishing that takes this mitten to a whole new level of cuteness! 
LeeAnna's "I Like" party on Thursdays reminds me to look for beauty and fun in my world!  

My son bought me this mini pack of cookies from  @cookies_bychris
just because I mentioned I was craving her cookies!
Here are some interesting looking titles I saw at Target, but I resisted purchasing them.  As we deal with my aging parents, I am realizing that I should probably consider purging my own home.  My library card is being used so much more and I am posting several books at my account at paperbackswap.   
I thought my grandchildren might enjoy these books.

I thought The Hero Code would be an inspiring read.
I loved the idea of this book!
This book is definitely out of my normal genre,
but the cover and title are so alluring!

Here's a page I was inspired to create after reading
Chapter one of Stormie O'Martian's 
The Power of Praying Through Fear.  

Kitty and Mia are snuggling
during one of our recent thunderstorms.

Enjoyed this post? 

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Hello There!

 Hello There!  

This week I'm out of pocket, but will be back next week to share God's Word, stitching, reading and sewing!

I'll be sharing pictures of my adventures on Instagram throughout the week!  

I hope you all have a fabulous week!

Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
You can also expect a visit from me as well!

Sunday, July 4, 2021

Survivors’ Guilt Part One, Reading, Stitching, and Gratitude

Hello There!
Happy Fourth of July to my readers in the United States!
I hope you all are doing well!  I am rejoicing as I celebrate another 6 month breast cancer check up.  
However, this summer two acquaintances have passed from cancer.  This naturally led me to dealing with Survivors' Guilt yet again.  This time, I decided to face it head on and find some guidance and comfort in God's Word.  
I hope you enjoy this Thought for the Week, my crafting, stitching and gratitude photo journal!


I found Parkview Health's article on Survivors' Guilt very helpful.  I'm sharing some highlights from their article as well as my own thoughts and Scriptures that came to mind.