Sunday, February 5, 2023

Weekly Word: Psalms 25:3 Shame? + Books, Stitching and Gratitude!

 Hello There, 

It has been a busy couple of weeks filled with jury duty (can't believe I was selected), trips to El Paso, an office/library remodel and a fun weekend!  Jury duty was actually interesting!  I enjoyed my trip to El Paso with my hubby and will be sharing a reveal of my new office/library soon.  Of course, photos will be on my Instagram account if I finish setting it up before next week!

I got out of hubby's way for a few days by sewing in my studio, going to a morning Bible Study, spending an afternoon at a local quilt show!  Yea!  We spent today at a Sit and Sew and then a fabulous cookie decorating class!  

It's nice to be able to spend a few quiet days at home now catching up on blogging, cleaning, laundry and crafting!  

Here's is an index should you have a special interest you like to read first!  

The Weekly Word - is a short devotional that sometimes becomes a Bible Study series.  
My Reading Life - is filled with current, completed and upcoming reads as well as an occasional short review.      
Stash Report and To Do Tuesday is where I'll share share stats regarding my fiber usage and acquisitions, Slow Sunday Stitching projects, goals met/lack thereof and photos of my projects. 
Gratitude Journal - Sometimes I get lost in my own stinky thinking.  This digital journal reminds me to count my blessings!    
 Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer - - Here you will find updates on life after Triple Negative Breast Cancer.  I was diagnosed in November of 2014 and my last day of treatment was in November 2015. 

The Weekly Word

Psalm 25:1-8

In You, LORD, my God I put my trust.
I trust in You; do not let me be put to shame nor let my enemies triumph over me.
No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame, but shame will come on those who are treacherous without cause.
Show me Your ways LORD, teach me Your paths.
Guide me in Your truth and teach me for You are God my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long.
Remember, LORD, Your great mercy and love, for they are all from of old.
Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways;
according to Your love, remember me, for You LORD, are good.

I love that promise in the first part of verse three, No one who hopes in You will ever be put to shame.  Our hope keeps our hearts and, hopefully our spirits, sensitive to God's guidance.  Let us remember that His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:103).
As I study this Psalm verse by verse, David's heart becomes increasingly transparent.  I always thought David was asking God for them to shamed as in humiliated.  He is praying for him not to be put to shame, but instead for shame to befall those who are treacherous without cause.
I had to ask myself, "What is shame?"  What did David mean?  I learned that in this verse "shame" in the Greek means for them to be ashamed.  
Then I thought, "Well, for one to be ashamed, one has to have awareness of their actions and to realize that they were wrong."
I have to wonder, "Was David was praying that God would work in the hearts of those who are treacherous without cause so they may truly become ashamed of their actions.  Perhaps he hoped that they would then come to know God?"  What a beautiful way to pray for our enemies, though!  
My whole perception on Psalm 25 and David has certainly changed and absolutely renders more study on my part.  I don't know if I'm interpreting this incorrectly or even the answers to my own questions.  I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.  I believe that my devotional time this week as well as our email conversations will be quite interesting!  How exciting!    

My Reading Life

I've joined on more challenge - how could I resist this one?  Cindy from Cindy's Book Corner mentioned a challenge that is about one of my favorite genres:  books about books.  Susan at Bloggin' 'Bout Books is hosting the Bookish Books Reading Challenge, so of course I joined.  I'll be at the "Toe in the Door" level - 1-10 books. 

Currently Reading

Finished Reading
**** The Library of Lost and Found by Phaedra Patrick.  Though the protagonist, Marth Storm, a librarian, drove me nuts at the beginning of the novel, I found myself cheering her on and celebrating her growth!  Phaedra Patrick filled this book with characters  you will love, then not like so much or you will not like them at all, and then fall in love with them!  Highly recommend!  

**** Up to No Gouda by Linda Reilly.  I really enjoyed listening to this audiobook as the characters were likeable, the mystery seemingly unsolvable and the ending surprising!  You will however, probably make yourself grilled cheese sandwiches as you read!  Recommend.
***** In the Midst of Winter by Isabel Allende.  Allende again wrote a fabulous book revealing human nature and the possibilities we have if we choose to grow and change.  If we are willing to listen to our hearts, indeed, the possibilities are endless. 
 The ending of the book will surprise and perhaps stay with you for awhile.  Highly recommend.

Stash Report

At our local quilt show, I did pick up this lovely wool Nativity scene by Rachel of Greenfield.  Other than that, no fibers came in or out.  
Yarny Numbers
Fabric numbers

To Do Tuesday

A New Productivity System

Just a few years ago, I had plenty of room in my redesigned sewing studio and now it's jam packed again!  As I only have so much space, so I took a hard look at what in the world was filling my creative space - yup - you guessed it:  UFOs.  So I decided to do something about that.  
First off, despite the temptation of joining the wonderful BOMs and QALs offered this year, I'm going to use my own kits as my personal BOM for 2023.  My only exception will be another wool slow stitching BOM that Marsha from Bee Sew Creative will be offering in a few months.  Who can resist that one?   
 The BOM I've picked to work on is one by Caroline at From My Carolina Home from 2020.  This is the book we were using and these are the blocks I had finished.  Only 14 more blocks to go, so it should be a great project for the year!
The second action I've taken is joining the American Patchwork and Design UFO challenge.  Even if I only finish a few UFOs, that's progress.  Last month's UFO was from 1993!  Sadly, the fabric had become too threadbare to sew on.  
This month's number from  the AQ&P challenge coincidentally landed on a UFO is also a BOM and a  foundation paper piecing project!  It's from 2018, the Fall into a Quilt QAL and my guesstimate is that it may take me two months to finish.  
These are the completed blocks.  Nine more to go!  
Hopefully, these changes will see more quilts being used and more space in my studio!
Last Week's List
LOL!  I forgot to make a To Do List last time, so here's my list for this week!
This Week's List
1.  Slow Stitching  
I've finished Part 3/6, so onto making progress on Part 4/6 of the Bee Humble SAL.   
 -  I had decided to work on my QAYG project, but have decided to finish my daughter's and mine Grandmother's Flower Garden. The story behind  this special project is hereSome of the pieces pulled a disappearing act on me, but prayers from my family and some lovely blogging friends led me to the missing pieces!  So, finishing the top is my Slow Stitching annual goal.   
2.  Crochet 
- make progress on my Fall Granny Square afghan 
3. Machine Sewing:  
- ** experiment with the Clear Blue Tiles on the Christmas placemats
make progress on the four $15 Sampler blocks for this month
- Here are last month's blocks for the $15 Sampler quilt!  I kept my points!
On a side note, I won this book from Melva Loves Scraps for finishing my Pieces in the Garden flimsy!  
On the radar
- Stitch up a baby quilt that I've prepped.
- Finish up my daughter's crocheted dishcloths.
- Prep kits for continued use of my Christmas stash

Gratitude Journal

I love Desert Road by Casting Crowns!  We don't know the road we're walking on, but we know who leads the way.  Let us follow where God leads us - as He is with us.  Even is our hearts are broken, God is working.  Here is the powerful, touching story behind the song.

Here is our prompt from Lee Anna for I Like Thursday. "How do you feel about the Panetone color of the year magenta? Color has vibration and can inspire feelings. People respond to or are repelled by certain colors. I went to a workshop on color vibration and what it means if you're attracted to a certain color range. So for today, how do you respond to the color magenta as described by Panetone?"
I really like magenta!  To my eye, it's a play on red, yet softer and more playful.  I agree with Pantone's description of it being "brave and fearless" and exudes joy and optimism.  Having a bad day?  Wear magenta!  
As I read their description, I could relate to many of their adjectives:  brave, joyous, optimistic, verve for life and yes, I am a bit rebellious!  
This was a fun prompt!

As I mentioned before, Saturday my daughter, granddaughter, a friend and I took a cookie decorating class taught by @cookiesbychris! Here's my cookies - and I'm not the slightest bit a painter.  Maybe this is my medium?  :)

Here is a sneak peak of my new office/guest room.  My sweet husband put these seven Billy shelves together in a day.  They are filled with Daddy's history library.  We Facetimed with Daddy and for about 10 minutes he simply watched DH work.  
During another Facetime chat, Daddy was able to see his books in the shelves.  After figuring out Facetime on his own, my 93-year-old Daddy, called back just to see his books again.  It was touching how many of them he remembered.  It was a touching video call.  
My sweet LAQ, Stephanie Snodgrass, allowed me to take a picture of her and her first prize-winning quilt at our quilt show.  It's a raw edge appliqued quilt with the most precise quilting!  Just beautiful!
Life is really good. I'm so proud of Stephie.  

I'll leave you with these posts from Instagram.

Pan ducle con cafe (sweet bread with coffee)

Faith, Trust and Breast Cancer

Even years after being hit with "everything possible" to survive Triple Negative Breast Cancer, I've never recovered my health to the level it was before.  One huge issue is that one of my chemo drugs exasperated the fibromyalgia.  From speaking to other survivors, I've realized this is common.  I take several supplements to gain back my independence and health.  I continue to work closely with my PCP, who is certified in natural as well as traditional medicine, as well as my oncologist.  As a team, we have come up with the right combination of supplements that work FOR ME.  

Remember, every cancer is different, every patient is different and every survivor is different.  Please do not take any of these supplements without checking with your doctors, to include your oncologists.  This is not health advice, this is me sharing what is helping me as a survivor.
1.  Tumeric with black pepper by Gaia was recommended to me by my oncologist.  It has been vital to control the neuropathy in my feet.  Yes, even 9 years later I have constant pain in my feet.    
2.  Alpha Liopic Acid has also been instrumental in controling neuropathy as well as pain.  
3.  My hair grew back with "chemo curl", which I love.  It is thinner, but that can also be attributed to age.  For the past 9 years, I tried many brands of Biotin and Amazon Elements has by far given me the best results.  I also condition my hair weekly/biweekly alternating with olive oil and, yup, mayonnaise!  
4.  Reducing sugars, dairy and increasing exercise have helped.  Walking, our Max Trainer, even chair/in bed workouts have been helpful.  I follow Justin Augstin on Instagram and his gentle workouts are amazing!
I hope these tips can be of assistance to you!
If anyone reading has additional tips, please, please share in the comments!
See you next week!

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Your comments are so appreciated! 
I read each one and will respond by email.
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Here are some blogs I sometimes link up to!
Midweek Makers @ Quilt Fabrication (Wednesdays)
I Like @ Not Afraid of Color (Thursday)
The Loop Scoop @ Moogly and Petals to Picots (Thursdays)
Can I Get A Whoop Whoop? @ Confessions of a Fabric Addict


  1. I did not know that chemo curl is a thing. I know my mom was delighted to have curly hair for the first time in her life after her chemo. And I have a friend with curly hair now. I'm glad to see that doctors help with these issues, too. It's important.

    You have had a busy, but fulfilling week. I'm glad your experience on the jury was good. The bookshelves look fantastic! The cookie decorating class must have been delightful.

    Thank you for your thoughts about the Psalm. I am now looking at David's words in a whole new way.

  2. Hi Patricia, Good luck with your UFOs this year. It's true that they accumulate and that we are pulled to start other projects! I love your grandmother's garden quilt. I hope that you enjoy the Sewing Machine. It was a great book. Your cookies look wonderful - was it difficult to eat them after putting so much effort into making them! lol Take care.

  3. Your stitchwork looks great, and those cookies! You obviously have a talent for decorating cookies. :) I hope you enjoy reading this week.

    My It's Monday! What Are You Reading? post.

  4. Aw, thanks for the shout out! Glad you are joining the challenge! The cookies are so pretty! I hope you have a good week!

  5. wow, you are keeping busy!
    I really enjoyed The Curious Charms of Arthur Pepper, but this one by Patrick left me disappointed, I didn't conenct with her characters here.

  6. I come to you via To Do Tuesday. I really like your Bee project. It looks very nice. You have a lot going on so I wish you the best week!

  7. I'm so glad you found the missing pieces of the flower garden. ❤

  8. Patricia you had an amazing week filled with fun and so many adventures. The cookie decorating class looks like it was a real success. Good luck with your list this week. After getting the library/spare room redone it must have filled your heart when you facetimed with your Dad and then he called back to see his books again. My sister in law also had her hair come back curly. We joke about the money she has saved with not having to get perms any more. Thank you for such an inspiring post and for linking with To Do Tuesday.

  9. I have been trying so hard not to let my own sewing room get "jam packed"! I don't have a UFO issue; I think mine is more of a fabric/batting hoarding issue! (The only answer is to just SEW!)

  10. My favorite part of your post: your Daddy's books in those beautiful shelves and the fact he wanted to look at them again - brought tears to my eyes. So, so sweet.
    I love your Fall into a Quilt blocks. Thanks for the links to the APQ UFO challenge. I've downloaded the "stuff" and am going to consider doing it. I really like your inspiration of finishing UFOs instead of joining a myriad of sew-alongs. That Gouda book looks really fun!
    What milligram strength do you take on the Biotin?

  11. I'm happy you found your missing EPP pieces!

  12. Loved this post. So much to take in and consider. Lots of wisdom. Thanks for sharing what's working for you. I will check out the hair product. Lovely quilting projects too of course. Take care!

  13. Love your bookshelves! How is neuropathy related to cancer?

  14. That's a lot of projects to work on! Love the porcupine? hedgehog? block. Not sure which, but it is cute.

  15. It sounds like you have been quite the social butterfly. How fun! I don't know if you've seen it, but I've been doing an "I Like Me" section on Thankful Thursdays. I didn't last Thursday because I hadn't been keeping up with it every day. I love the library in your office! I wish my mom would get an iphone so we could Facetime. Good for your dad at 93! Mom is 91 and I know she would try it.

    How did you find an MD who was also a naturalpath? Is that the word? Anyway. I told my Internist MD that I wanted to see a functional doctor and he said he would drop me as a patient if I did. I take supplements but don't really know if they are the right ones. My hair had been curly before, but after I started taking meds for Graves Disease, it straightened and is just straight and frizzy now. I miss my curls, especially now that the lines on my face are deeper.
